We're such great parents

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"Are you sure that everything's okay." My mom asked handing Alexa another dish. She dried it off putting it in the dishwasher.

"Yes mom." She says. Isabella starts laughing chasing after Calvin.

"Come on baby." Calvin said he starts laughing.

"Baby is so funny." Isabella starts laughing.

"Baby!" Isabella yells running with him.

"Calvin be careful and stop running in the house!" Vanessa says pouring herself another glass of wine.

"Kids." She says. Alexa watches them and smile.

"They're cute, i never seen her laugh this much." Alexa says. Tom, Mark and Caleb walk into the kitchen with their beers.

"Alexa what are you doing for your birthday?" Mark asked.

"I don't know." She says shrugging and taking a sip of her wine.

"Maybe we should go back home and do something special there." I said.

"Or we could come back here." My mom said.

"Either way is fine." Alexa said.

"Yeah because then maybe I could let little issy visit mom's funeral." I nod.

"Sounds like a plan baby." She leans into me and I kiss her forehead.

"Kissy I want kissy!" Isabella says running to us. Alexa picks her up.

Kissing her and putting her back down.

"Go finish playing with Calvin, see he's waiting on you." I said she giggles.

"Bye mama." She says running back to him. I took a sip from my beer.

"I wondered what changed, she never talked to us nor did she ever consider us her parents." Alexa said.

"Maybe she just needed to trust us." Alexa nods.

"I'm happy she does."

We decided to do a big dinner before everything left. My mom and Alexa talked about more kids and Vanessa and I talked about maybe doing a surprise party for Alexa.

"Good bye you guys thanks for coming." I said hugging everyone after Alexa. I closed the door and Isabella was playing with her dolls on the floor.

"So i talked to DCF and they're assigning Isabella a new social worker. We meet her tomorrow." Alexa nods.

"Thank you baby." She smiles really wide looking at Isabella.

"She had the time of her life." She says.

"She called us mommy." I said she smiles wider.

"I'm so happy. I'm starting to think that maybe we can do this after all." I nod.

"We can sure the first 4 months were tough but we're going to make it." She kisses me.

"Last one to the bed is a rotten egg." She says running to the room. I ran with her making it to the bed but she was already there.

"The baby." We both said running back to the living room.

Yeah we're going to make amazing parents.

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