twenty one; surprise

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, a few of my friends go to Forks."

"That's cool, are you drinking that?" Charlotte had easily been distracted by the almost full bottle of vodka in his hand.

"Yes, but you can have it if you want." She quickly took it out of his hands, drinking as much as it as she could, "I'm Lewis."


"Nice to meet you, Charlotte."

"The pleasures all mine, Lewis."

"You wanna come meet my friends?"

"Are you introducing me already?" Lewis wasn't bad looking, he was the type of boy that Charlotte would let ruin her life. But he wasn't Edward.

"Yes, I want all my friends to know that my girlfriends the prettiest girl in the state."

Both of them laughed, Lewis grabbing Charlotte's hand and dragging her down the stairs to meet his friends.

"Guys Charlotte, Charlotte guys."

"Hey." Charlotte waved at the group of people in front of her, they weren't the type of people she was used to hanging out with. She'd actually never met girls who had pink or green hair, "Did your nose piercing hurt?"

Charlotte had to shout so the bright pink haired girl could hear her over the music.

"No, it was like a besting."

"I've never been stung by a bee."

The girl laughed, sticking her hand out to Charlotte, "I'm Alice."

Charlotte flinched at the name, but quickly recovered and grasped Alice's hand, "Nice to meet you."

"You don't look like the kinda girl to be at one of these parties." It was the green haired girl that spoke, Charlotte wasn't offended at the statement, she didn't look like the type that would be at a party where everyone around her were doing drugs.

"I'm full of surprises."

Charlotte stuck her hand out to the green haired girl, waiting for her to introduce herself.


"I think I just fell in love with your name."

Juniper and Alice laughed, "I like you." One of them spoke.

"Thanks, I like you too."

"Hey Red." Red, that was what Emmett used to call her, "What's a girl like you doing here?"

Charlotte didn't know the boy who spoke, but he was stood next to Lewis so she presumed he was part of his group.

"Am I not allowed to be here?"

"No you are. You just don't seem like someone who'd want to be surrounded by stuff like this."

"I like stuff like this."

The boy handed her a bottle, "Down this" Charlotte didn't know what it was, but for some reason she trusted that it wasn't anything too bad, "I'm Jack."

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