Without his tribal paint and warrior apparel, Kirishima looked less intimidating but his body and presence were still forces to be reckoned with. He ushered you forward towards the rest of the tribe that was out of their homes. You stayed still, debating if you should accept the proposal. It appeared that only half of the tribe was up and moving, the rest still asleep from their activities from the night before. You decided that now would be the best time to get your meal that way didn't have to interact with all of the monsters. 

Sitting on the rough ground, you now had a view of the home that you had just emerged from. Your brows furrowed as it stuck out like a sore thumb. Bakugou's walls were stark lacking the designs of the other homes scattered around the area.

"Here you are," A woman with black hair in a high ponytail offering you a plate of cooked food in front of you, "My name is Yaoyorozu Momo, but you can just call me Yao-Momo."

She was a beautiful woman and wore simple clothing that was meant purely for functionality having little designs on them. Under her eyes, you saw that she too sported facial markings like Kirishima. Two red upside-down triangles under her eyes. This was another thing you started to realize as you took in the sight of the relaxed tribe, they all had these facial markings, all but Bakugou.

Begrudgingly, you took the plate from her. You were starving. You never had anything to eat at the ceremony and it was past the time for breakfast. From the positioning of the sun, you could tell that it was well into mid-afternoon if not later.

Gawking at the plate you knew that you weren't going to enjoy this meal.

Not only did you know nothing on the plate, but it was also the complete opposite of what you were used to. It lacked the fruit and barley bread that you typically had for your first meal of the day. This plate was loaded with meat covered in a strange fiery red seasoning and below it had an even stranger pile of round pellets that ranged int different warm colors.

Swallowing your nerves, you picked up the meat deciding that would be the safer of the two to eat first. Pulling a small piece off the bone you held up the dark piece of meat playing with it between your fingers. The meat releasing a red liquid making it flow over your digits. You held in your initial gag. Out of all the land meat you've had before in your life, never before did they bleed like this.

Under the watch of multiple sets of eyes, you could feel the pressure of them waiting for you to take your first bite of the new delicacy that they had placed in front of you.

Saying a prayer to your gods in your head, you shoved the piece of the meat in your mouth, its flavor erupting. It was salty and hot and the meat itself tasted like nothing you've ever had before. It was tangy and bitter and the more you chewed on it the more intense the flavor became slowly morphing into a more earthy taste. It took all your being to swallow the mass. Letting out a struggle grunt you reached out to the waterskin that was near you.

Spinning off the top, you took chugged the refreshing taste of water successful washing away the vile taste in your mouth.

"Not a fan of deer, huh?" The straw-haired man called out to you who you recognized immediately from the black streak in his hair.

Remaining silent, you moved to your last resort of some sort of meal--the pile of pellets. These too were coated in a strange seasoning that resembled what was on the meat but had some green leaves strewn through it. Carefully, you picked up a clump of the unknown vegetable and took a reluctant bite.

This time you were pleasantly surprised.

They were rich and creamy and the spicy seasoning that was paired with it wasn't horrible. Thankful to have at least one thing on the plate that was edible, you wolfed up all you could of bizarre vegetable while also not making a mess.

:Captured: Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now