six; not again

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chapter six; not again

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chapter six; not again

Teddy couldn't wait to show Mr. Clarke Dustin's new discovery. Even if they weren't completely certain if it was a new species or just a mutated pollywog, it was absolutely the best thing that happened in the last year... something that didn't seem bad! In math class, he gushed to Max how cool it would be if they truly discovered a new species. The country would think they're so cool and maybe they'd get a noble prize for it, those were among the sentences spoken from the ginger. Max, being the good friend she was, smiled and listened to the rambling. Even if she wasn't as enthusiastic about this, she could listen to make Teddy happy.

So, at the end of the school day, Teddy bolted from his last period class to wait by Mr. Clarke's door for his friends. He bounced up and down, rocking side to side. Max and Lucas joked about how he was practically more excited than Dustin. Teddy grew flustered and slowly stopped moving in embarrassment. He didn't mean to look so elated, but damn this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and it didn't appear bad!

Lucas, Max, Dustin and Teddy gathered into Mr. Clarke's room, ready to show him Dart. Now, Will and Mike were no where to be seen. The ginger thought they should've waited just a little so the other two that helped with this discovery could be present, but Dustin was adamant about showing Mr. Clarke as soon as possible. 'Fair enough,' Teddy thought since Dustin was the one to find Dart after all.

Dustin placed his ghostbuster trap on Mr. Clarke's desk with a large grin. "This is the reason I was late for class."

"Pretty neat. These doors function?" Mr. Clarke questioned, tapping on the lid. The man continued to examine it as Teddy watched. It was obvious that Mr. Clarke didn't get what they meant immediately, to be fair, Dustin was vague with it. Teddy would've thought it was about the trap too... it was a cool device.

"Well, yeah, obviously, but it's not about the trap. It's what inside!" Dustin eagerly told him, "now this very well may change your perception of the world."

Mr. Clarke smiled, "Consider my interests piqued."

"All right, first, let's just clarify that... this is my discovery, not yours" Dustin stated.

"Dustin." Teddy sighed. They had already been over this. No one would steal the discovery, "not the time."

"Just show him!" Lucas added with emphasis.

"Alright, I'm just trying to clarify—" Dustin started.

"Dustin!" Max scolded. They weren't here for games!

"Okay, fine."

Just as Dustin's mouth opened to start his spew on what was inside the trap, the door to the room clicked open. Teddy turned and noticed Mike barreling through the door with Will right behind him. Oh, they were finally hear! A smile started to creep onto Teddy's face but a loud shout of "stop!" from Mike stopped everyone in their places.

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