ten; pretty... great!

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chapter ten; pretty

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chapter ten; pretty... great

The world sucked and it was very unfair–those were the latest thoughts by Teddy. Why did everything have to be so terrible all the time? Why did bad things happen to good people? The boy also seemed to make notice that when he was around, bad things seemed more prone to happen.

Will didn't deserve to die... nobody deserves to die... but Will especially didn't. He was young and had so much to live for... it almost made Teddy guilty thinking about it. What could have done to stop it? He could've done something! Right?

The ginger couldn't sleep at all last night, the horrid thoughts of what he could've done and his sadness plagued his mind. Even after asking his father if he could stay with him in his room... He thought some comfort from his father would help... but it didn't. He still couldn't sleep and nearly cried throughout the night.

Teddy stirred at the sudden natural light slowly filling the from the curtains opening. He rubbed his eyes, noticing Dewy sleeping on the edge of the bed and his father getting dressed for his work day... "Going to work already?" He softly asked.

Thomas nearly jumped at the sound of his son's voice. He didn't expect him to be up so early after a restless night. "Yeah.. it's 7 AM Dear..." he answered, buttoning up his shirt.

The boy sat upright in bed with a dampening disposition, pulling the blanket over his head, disrupting the cat at the edge of the bed. Dewy stretched his fat legs and hopped down from the bed to rub against Thomas's legs to annoy the man... but that didn't concern Teddy. The boy was thinking... a lot, which wasn't knew, but he wanted to ask his father about something he couldn't wrap his brain around. "... dad?"


"Why is the world so.. so cruel?"

Thomas stopped his motions. He didn't know how to answer such a question. He met his son's gaze, absolutely destroying his heart at the sight. The boy's eyes nearly matched the color of his hair, bright red, and his bags were dark and deep. Any father hated seeing their child so upset and Thomas would do anything to fix that.
"It's just how it is."

"But-but that's unfair. That's not how it should be!" The boy replied.

"Unfair... yes, It's stupid, I know, but it's how the world works.... the world seems to cherry-pick who gets screwed and who doesn't." He told him.

"Is that why... you know...we have bad luck..? and... you know... you and I–and... her–" Teddy trailed off, cowering in his blanket.

Thomas softly sighed, rubbing his eyes. He didn't want to talk about what his son was referring to. He didn't feel like it was good for either of them, but he needed an answer. He slowly returned back to the bed, sitting on the edge of it, urging Teddy to face him and come closer.
"Yes, I've received my unfair treatment from the world... some regarding.." he paused and took a deep breath, "your mother..." he seethed through his teeth, trying not to be so angry against a woman he hadn't seen in a few years. Teddy understood the resentment... it was hard for either of them to talk about. But Thomas continued on, "I always just thought someone was out to get me. I've suffered, you've suffered, but we powered through it, didn't we? Together?"

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