two; stalkers

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two; stalkers

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two; stalkers

If it wasn't obvious to everyone, Teddy loved learning. He genuinely liked school, maybe minus the homework part. To many other students, Teddy was the smart but quiet kid from Europe. Someone many didn't take notice of and someone nearly impossible to talk to get answers. He was too nervous around others who weren't his friends or shared some common interest with him. But everyone knew that he liked learning and retained many things in his brain.

For him to start out the day with Mr. Clarke for the second year in a row was a gift. Teddy always excelled in science, as well as his other classes, but Mr. Clarke fueled his learning wants. Science with Mr. Clarke could turn any bad morning into a great day with a good science lesson.

Today was no exception.

In the back row of the classroom, Teddy was the only one truly paying attention. There was a free seat to his left and the girl to his right couldn't stop popping her gum loud enough for the entire class to hear. Teddy tried drowning it out. It was days like this where he wished he sat in the front with his friends, but this was his seat last year... and he just couldn't bring himself to ask Mr. Clarke to move him forward.

Early that morning, Teddy was on the lookout for that other ginger girl, Max. She said she would be at school today... so... where was she? He didn't have the time, nor did anxiety let him stick around to wait when the bell rung, to find her... perhaps she'd find him first? Maybe he could introduce her to his friends and they all could be friends! That what Teddy wanted and that's what he hoped for... if she actually showed up.

Mr. Clarke placed a model of the brain down on his desk. Teddy adjusted his body upright to appear at attention and ready to take notes. Mr. Clarke grinned at the class, unfortunately much of the class besides Teddy and his friends weren't paying attention, but it didn't dissuade the teacher, "meet the human brain. I know. I know, it doesn't look like much. A little gross even, right? But consider this, there are a hundred billion cells inside of this miracle of evolution, all working as one. No, no, I did not misspeak. I did not stutter. A hundred billion!"

The door to the classroom closing took Teddy's attention away from the diagram toward the noise. Mr. Coleman entered the room with that other ginger, Max. Mr. Clarke stopped his lesson and smiled to the pair, "Ah, this must be our new student!"

"Indeed it is. All yours." Mr. Coleman ushered Max forward, similar to how the man did with Teddy last school year.

Max tried walking past Mr. Clarke to an open seat she spotted, but of course, the man stopped her. Teddy knew first hand that Mr. Clarke loved introducing new students to the class.
"All right, hold up. You don't get away that easy. Come on up, don't be shy." Even from his seat, Teddy could see Max's exaggerated eyeroll. She slowly shuffled back to the side of the teacher's desk and stood uncomfortably, "Dustin, drum roll!" Mr. Clarke motioned to the curly haired boy in the front row. Dustin obliged and rapidly tapped along his closed science textbook, creating a drumming effect. "Class, please welcome, all the way from sunny California, the latest passenger to join us on our curiosity voyage, Maxine!"

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