three; dd&d: dungeons, dragons and disapperances?

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chapter three; dd&d: dungeons, dragons and disappearances?

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chapter three; dd&d: dungeons, dragons and disappearances?

The first few months of school had been going great for Teddy.

He now, officially, believed he fully adjusted to Hawkins, Indiana. He knew his way around town without having to ask his father where something was. He could talk to Joyce in the store without stuttering or being awkward (it also helped that she was his friend's mom...) But the best part was that he found his friend group! A small group of boys who actually cared about him and shared similar interests. He woke up everyday excited, just because he had friends to talk to.
What wonders talking to people you actually enjoy can do to your confidence. Sure, Teddy was still that awkward new boy in the eyes of most of the kids at Hawkins Middle School, but to his friends, he was one of them... a party member... and he wouldn't want that any other way.

It was a Sunday night in the beginning of November in Hawkins. A rather calm night, nothing unusual with that. It was always calm in Hawkins... nothing was ever wrong in Hawkins. It was impossible to fathom something wrong every happening in Hawkins, especially on a Sunday night.

Within the basement of the Wheeler resident, the dimmed lights and the serious atmosphere set the mood for what was happening... a very important game—Dungeons and Dragons. It was hour 10 within the basement with no one wanting to leave. The game was far to important to leave at its current state.

A large table with all sorts of character pieces and boards was placed near the side of the basement. Four chairs were filled with the boys playing the game while an empty chair sat near the wall. At the head of the table was Mike Wheeler, the paladin and dungeon master; and next to him were Dustin Henderson, the bard; Lucas Sinclair, the ranger; and Will Byers, the cleric. The 5th one, Teddy Chambers, the druid, was sprawled out on the couch with a Superman Comic in hand.

"Something is coming... something hungry for blood..."

Teddy slowly lowered his comic book from his face, intrigued again at the Dungeons and Dragons game set up not far from the couch. The boy still wasn't into trying the game by himself as he hadn't gotten the hang of the game yet. He didn't want to ruin how Mike planned the campaign, so he decided to sit out this time... but throughout the day, he sat close to Dustin or Will and leaned over their shoulders to watch, and occasionally try to input as well. (The four other boys understood and encouraged Teddy to help with decisions as much as possible when he was actively beside them. To say that Teddy was honored when they bestowed upon him the title of druid, was an understatement. He was so happy, tears of joy were nearly shed. It gave him a sense that his friends were glad he was around during their games. He did a little research about the class and just really liked it... it wasn't the strongest, sure, but he felt like it matched him more than mage or warlock...)

Teddy rose from the couch and scrambled to his extra seat beside Will to get a closer look at the game. Will shuffled his chair over so Teddy could move in closer. The two shared a small smile and before returning the listening intently once again.

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