Eiji and Kat being best bois PT.2(Chap.14)

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~ Third Person P.O.V ~

A/N So If I am being honest, I'm really starting to loose inspiration for this book. . . but I already have one KiriBakuDeku I put on hold and I don't want to do that again. But just so y'all know, updates for this book will be either every other day, or every other two days! 

Izuku buried his face closer into Eijirou's chest, his hand tightening around Katsuki's arm as he stirred in his sleep. The other two boy's had been up for a little over thirty minutes by now, yet neither of them had the courage nor the desire to get up. They just wanted to hold Izuku in their arms.

"How can he be so perfect?" Katsuki whispered to his red headed boyfriend, tracing light circles in the younger, sleeping, male's arm.

"I've been asking myself the same thing ever since we found out we're his soulmates. . . yet I still haven't came up with a concrete answer." Eijirou chuckled softly, running his hands through Izuku's curls. "I don't even think he realizes how perfect he is."

The blond nodded his head in agreement, his red orbs never leaving the sleeping Izuku in his arms. "Fuck, and to think. . . I was such an asshole to him when we were younger. . ." He mumbled, a look of regret washing over his features.

"But he forgives you for it Kat," Eijirou said, using one of his free hands to rub Katsuki's shoulder. "Now it's time for you to forgive yourself, holding onto the past will only bring you down."

"Since when did you get so wise?" Katsuki snorted, a teasing smirk playing with his lips.

"I've always been this wise- I just mask it with my good looks and fun personality!" The younger beamed, looking quite pleased with himself.

Cocking an eyebrow, Katsuki tilts his head as he pretends to examine the other boy. "Hm. . . I don't know about the whole 'Good looks' part, if anything you're average." He joked, a smile replacing his smirk to let Eijirou know that.

"Yeah, yeah, but I can definitely think of one thing about me that isn't average." Eijirou smirked, watching in amusement as Katsuki's face turned a bright red.

"That- that was uncalled for. . . now I'm going to be thinking about that all day." The red eyed blond muttered, nuzzling the side of his face into the pillows. "I can't believe all of us slept in this tiny ass, fucking bed."

Grimacing, Eijirou slightly shift his torso upwards- still being cautious of the sleeping Izuku- as he pops his back. "Yeah, maybe we can push both of out beds together whenever Mido comes over." He suggested.

Katsuki nodded his head absentmindedly, his thoughts already drifting back to Izuku once more- and it didn't take long for Eijirou to soon follow.

"He's so. . . so damn beautiful Kat." Eijirou mused, moving his arm again to wrap is around Katsuki's shoulders. "Inside and outside, he's just- just beautiful." 

"And to think-" Katsuki added on, leaning his head against the wall, "He's obviously been through so much shit, yet he still remains the same way. Always smiling, and staying happy- even when he doesn't want to."

If Eijirou and Katsuki were being honest, words couldn't even begin to describe how amazing they thought Izuku was. Hell, if they could, they would incent a whole new words just to describe him. Izuku is bright, and intelligent, funny, yet serious when it was needed. He could make the two smile- bigger than they both ever had in their life just by the way he laughs.

He was their everything at this point.

"Mmm, why'd you guys stop? I wanna hear more about me." Izuku mumbled, his green orbs still closed. Truth be told, Izuku had been awake since the beginning of their conversation- he just wanted to see where it would lead.

Katsuki and Eijirou both laughed in unison, showering the smaller male with hugs and light kisses on the shoulder and forehead. Izuku giggled, turning so he was laying flat on his back his hand slowly lifting up to his head with a groan.

"Hangover?" Katsuki mused, reaching over to his desk and grabbing a pill bottle.

"I'm never drinking again. . ." Izuku groaned, pouting as he rolled back over- this time into Katsuki's check. "Like, ever, ever again."

Eijirou chuckled lightly, turning on his side and wrapping an arm around Izuku's waist. "That's what they all say Izu- that's what they all say." He smirked, not even realizing the nickname he used.

"'Izu?'" The smaller male mused, causing both boys to tense. Eijirou out of embarrassment, and fear of how Izuku would react- and Katsuki? Well, he was just surprised is all. 

"Sorry, it just slipped- I heard Katsuki say it a few times and I couldn't stop myself from-" Eijirou rambled, only to be cut of when a pair of lips quickly pecked his cheek.

A soft smile slipped onto Izuku mouth as he cupped the red head's cheek. "I like Izu, especially when both of you call me it." Izuku beamed, turning back over and taking the pill out of Katsuki's hand.

All while Eijirou laid there, stunned in silence- for one, he was surprised on how Izuku reacted, he had expected and outburst or something. And two. . . that was the first time Izuku ever initiated a kiss, even if it was on the cheek. He was freaking out a bit.

"I think you broke Ei," Katsuki observed, quite amused by the whole ordeal.

Izuku chuckled, giving the now blushing Eijirou a soft smile. "You okay. . . Eiji?" He asked, using a new nickname of his own- only prompting the red head to blush even heavier.

'Someone come resurrect my gay ass. . .' Eijirou thought.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Izuku sucked in a deep breath as he made his way down the dorm halls, his hands fisting at his sides as he stopped in front of his door. He definitely was contemplating turning the other and just booking it down the hall. After the events of this morning, he charged his phone- only to find a myriad of texts and missed calls from his foster siblings.

'I am so fucking dead. . '

Pushing his way in, he finds a very stressed out Todoroki and a seething Uraraka- both of their intense gazes falling onto the smaller male.

"Hey guys," Izuku greeted, stretching both words out more than necessary. "Now before you freak out-"

"Too fucking late Izuku!" Uraraka yelled, throwing her hands up in irritation. "I mean, you go out all night, don't answer any of our texts and calls, then come home in someone else's clothes! Now, you're going to sit your ass down and tell us where the hell you were."

Quickly obliging, Izuku bites the inside of his cheek as his eyes land on his brother- worried on how he would react. Only to find relief take over his usual stoic features.

 "Look, if you tell us where you were that would be greatly appreciated- but I'm too tired to be upset with you. I'm just glad you're okay." The duel haired boy sighed, leaning back in his chair with a slight huff.

"I was with Eijirou and Katsuki,"

Hello Cricket Cultists!!

Wow. I actually liked this chapter, especially the beginning of it- but uhm. . .


Until we meet again!!!

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