Dimples= Gay Panic(Chap.4)

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~Third Person P.O.V~

*Me realizing that Kiri has a scar above his eye*

Uraraka stared at her brother in pure disbelief, his right eye slightly twitching. "So you mean to tell me you just... forgave him?!" She scoffed, throwing her hands up in exasperation. "Friggin' unbelievable." Uraraka mutters.

Todoroki remained seated where he was on his bed, not moving, not talking, hell, Izuku was worried he wasn't breathing at this point.

"You've been awfully quiet- even for you Sho." Izuku observed cautiously, cringing back as he expected some type of outburst from his brother at any second.

"Okay." The duel haired teen muttered, his gaze flickering upwards towards his two siblings. "That's your decision."

Uraraka did a double take, letting out a crossbreed noise between a snort and a scoff. She for one was ready to find Katsuki and give him a piece of her mind.

The green haired male raised a skeptical brow. "That's it? No big explosion... you're just- just okay with it?" Izuku asked dubiously, not completely buying Todoroki's calmness.

The duel haired college student just heaves a sigh, motioning for Izuku with open arms. Izuku walks over to his brother, sitting down on his lap and facing him with a curious expression painted on his features.

"Todo you're scaring me." Izuku chuckled nervously, cupping the sides of Todoroki's face.

Todoroki releases a small and feathery laugh, placing his hands over Izuku's and slowly peeling them off.

"I mean it Izuku... if you forgive him then that's that- it's your decision to make." He said, looking the boy dead in the eyes. "You're a big boy, you don't always need your older brother and sister there to make those decisions for you."

Uraraka lets out a snort, evidently disagreeing with Todoroki's words. Sure, she and the heterochromatic teen weren't older than Izuku by a lot... but they still are his older siblings. Uraraka is just a bit more overprotective over Izuku than Todoroki is.

The jade eyed male's face shifts into a grin. "Good. I hope you know I'm hanging out with them today then." Izuku informed, slipping out of Todoroki's lap and hopping over towards their closet.

"'Them?'" Uraraka mused, tilting her head in perplexity.

"Kacchan and his boyfriend." Izuku said, pressing his mouth into a thin line.

The brunette sighed, shaking her head disapprovingly at her brother. "You're going to be a third wheel... God that's the stupidest thing you've ever agreed to- why would you willingly be a third wheel?!"

"I want to meet him!" Izuku argued, throwing his hands up in surrender. "Besides, I also want to hang out with Katsuki... we figured it'd be great for us to catch up."

Before his sister could press the matter even further he was out of the door in record time. Izuku didn't have to meet up with the two boys for another hour- he just wanted to get out of there while he could.

It was silent in the dorm room for a period of time, that is until Uraraka finally spoke up.

"So are we going to follow him or?" She trailed off, shifting her weight to one foot from the other.

The duel haired male smirked, already pulling up the Find My Buddy app- which they use to track each other's phones. 

"What do you think?"


Izuku walked along the stone, snow filled path in the front of the campus, his earbuds placed securely in his ears as he listened to music while he walked. (Where are my fellow Airpod users?)

✓Temporary Tattoos||KiriBakuDekuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora