Once they both had finished walked they walked up to the bullpen, only to find Alvin getting arrested.

Voight quickly walked over while everyone watched not knowing what to do "Hold on, what's going on here?"

One of the detectives said "Alvin Olinsky your under arrest for the murder of Kevin Bingham, please hand over your gun and badge."

They went to handcuff him which pissed Voight off even more "Hold on a minute, cuffs really? He's got 30 years in the job."

They just shook there had as they went to handcuff Alvin, everyone could tell Voight was trying hard not to show any emotion, as they walked out with Alvin he quietly said 'I got this' to Voight as he walked out the door.


Alvin ended up going to lockup until his bail hearing so Voight went in to see him.

"Hank, the evidence is week they don't have a strong case, we know that. I will get bail and we will go from there."

"Listen, I'm going to hire a lawyer and get you out of here."

"I don't want that, just make sure I get bail."

Hank was gritting his teeth, he couldn't be more furious, this was on him yet Alvin was still doing everything to protect him.

"Al, I can't let you do this."

Alvin shook his head "We have been through worse, we always get through it. Together."


2 days later, it was Alvins bond hearing. Voight in his ways assured Jay and Erin that everything was going to be okay, same with the rest of the time, but everyone was still worried. Alvin was part of their family and they had no idea what was going to happen.

Erin was fixing Jays tie, she had tears rolling down her face, he was wiping them away and trying to comfort her.

"Erin, you know Hank. He's going to fix this."

"Jay it's already gone way too far, why is Alvin even at a bond hearing? He should have never let it get to this."

"Hey come here" Jay bought her in for a hug "You know the code that Hank and Al share, no matter what they stick together. We will all get through this. I'm just thankful it's not you up there."

Erin quickly pulled away "But it should be, I mean it was my idea to move the body. I bought Alvin in, I didn't have to."

"Er, don't do that to yourself" Jay kissed the top of her forehead "Look we got to go"

She nodded at him as they both quickly walked out the door, leaving Noah and Camille with Will and Nat.

Everyone was at the courthouse, waiting anxiously. Erins palms were sweating, Jay kept squeezing her hand, he knew how scared she was. Voight was on her other side, he was just as bad. But he knew that what he had organised was going to work, but then a different judge walked out and his plan went out the window.

"Dependent is remanded into the custody of cook country jail, pending trial."

Everyone gasped, this was not what was meant to happen. Voight was the first to get up, angrily making his way to the judges office. The judge told him their was nothing he could do, but they could fight to appeal. So that was their next step.


Hank walked up the steps, everyone was standing there. He tried to walk through them but everyone had questions, he just tried assuring them that everything was going to be fine, he would be out soon. But he didn't know if that was true anymore.

"So what's the next step sarge?" Adam said.

"Have you talked to Al and his lawyer?" Hailey said.

"They going to appeal the bond hearing?" Jay said walking behind Voight while he was ignored, so he repeated himself a few times finally getting Voight to stop "I asked you a question!"

Hank turned around and cleared his throat "Als going to be out of there, real soon."

"What's that mean exactly?" Jay was pressing him, everyone was looking at him, they knew this was not the time and place. Erin slowly started to make her way to Jays side, she knew how this was going.

Voight tilted his head back and then looked at Jay "Means I'm taking care of it, just can't get into the details right now."

"Why not?" Jay said still pressing.

"I appreciate your concern, but you gotta back off now."

Jay started pointing at Hank and walking closer, everyone inching behind him "I need to know what I can do to help Al and all I'm hearing from you his nothing!"

Hank quickly started to push Jay "Because you don't know what your talking about!" Everyone was quick to pull the both off each other, but they were still trying to get into it.

"Enough!" Erin yelled, which stopped them. Hank turning around and going into his office while everyone else tried to calm Jay down, as well as themselves.

Erin and Hailey walked into the locker room were they had to pretty much drag Jay in.

"Jay it's not the time right now." Erin said.

"Erin stop protecting him!" Jay yelled at her, that didn't help the situation, it just made her frustrated and she knew talking to him now would get her nowhere so she left, leaving Hailey and Jay alone.

"Jay what is going on?" Hailey asked.

"The day we found out about what happened, I tried to tell Voight to tell me what I could do to help and all he gave me was that someday this unit will be mine, do it the right way."

Hailey leant up against a locker "Wow."

"Yeah, but Hailey I'm not ready for that now."

"Let's just see what happens okay?"

"Okay." Jay nodded.


That night, Voight rang the two detectives involved, to turn himself in, but just as they were about to get it all on camera Voight got a phone call. Alvin had been stabbed multiple times and was on his way to med. Voight quickly got up and ran out the door.

Hank met up with the ambulance as they were bringing Alvin into the ED.

"I got this, I got this." Alvin kept repeating as Voight held his hand.

"I know, they are going to fix you up. It's going to be okay." Voight continually nodding, squeezing onto his hand which was slowly pulled away as they took him up to the OR.

Hank waited until the corridor for what felt like days before a doctor finally came out and told him that Olinsky didn't make it, he dropped to the ground. This was on him, how was he going to tell everyone.

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