"Open wide?" I opened my eyes to see Luce trying to feed me. I laughed and opened my mouth. He fed me a few bites before I started feeling sick. It was good though! It was angle hair pasta with some Alfredo sauce. One of my favorites..

     "Alright, everyone to the living room." Ughhhh! Everyone walked into the living room- well everyone except me. I got Luce to carry me. He sat us down and sighed.

      "You know what to do. As for you Zero, just answer questions that we ask. If it's too much just stop talking." I nodded and practically zoned out everything else. I didn't really care for them right now. What kind of questions would they ask?

      Would they ask about the scars..? Or course they would. I untied my hoodie and put it on. It went down to about mid thigh so I could pull my legs in it if I wanted to. I feel safer now.

    "Alright. Good job Gram. Zero, your turn." I nodded and waited for someone to ask something.

     "Why did you come here?" Ah the bitch Lucas.

    "My aunt didn't want me anymore. Or rather, didn't want to put up with my bullshit." They stared and I laughed. "What do you want to know next?"

      "What's that strange language you speak when you first wake up or someone scares you?" Oh snap.

    "Russian. My mother taught me when I was young. I learned English after. I speak Russian, English, German, Greek, and Spanish." Wow. They look shook. Even Luce looked like he was in awe. I didn't know I was cool.

       "Speaking of your aunt, why do you live with her?" Oh shit- nope not answering that. I shook my head no and Luce sighed.

     "I'm n-not ready to talk about them.." I said. I looked at everyone's face and they all had a look of disappointment or anger. Ok what are you angry about? Like for real dude.

    "Any other questions..?" I hope there aren't.

     "How old are you?" Ehh that's ok.

     "I turned 17 the day I got here." Wowow. They look stupid right now.

       "Do you watch anime?" Ah yes. There is always a weeb.

       "Hell yeah my dude." The kid smiled so brightly and it warmed my heart a bit. "Maybe tomorrow we can watch some together..?" Ehhh why is everyone staring at me?

        "You..Alone with Gram? Yeah no." The bitch is back in the convo. But time to make him look bad.. I smiled widely and looked at him.

     "Why? We're just going to watch anime and have a few snacks. My bed is big enough and I have a laptop."

     "Are you kidding?! After what happened a week ago nobody should be alone with you." My smile faltered.

      "What happened? I don't remember saying anything to you other than Monday when I talked about how I was raped." He looked uneasy. Haha. Karma's a bitch.

      "When you made Ezra cry! And you framed it on me." Oh shit bout to go down.

     "Ah I remember. How I was woken up from a nice movie night with Ez and Xy by you calling Ez a what? Good for nothing slut. Not only that, a whole bunch of other stuff and made fun of the scars/chunks missing on my back." Oh shit I went there. Everybody looked pissed at him and he looked like he was about to speak.

    "But don't worry, I did what any kind person would do. I let him use my bath scents and bubble bath and have candy. We had a nice bath together. I then tried to tell him that we were having movie night the day before but he wouldn't listen and smacked me. Of course, Lucas my dear friend apologized to me today. We're all good now though, right Lucas dear?" I smiled cheekily at him.

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