First day in the house

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     Word count: 1538

       The rest of the car ride was silent save the radio. I didn't mind the silence. It's better than people talking shit about you. Or yelling at you.. Anyways, we just turned onto a long dirt road. I can't see any building or anything.

      I hope we're almost there. I don't think I can go much longer without a cig. Or without music. I would take out my phone but I don't want Mr. Lucan to take it. Who knows what would happen if he went through it. Ugh, I hope there's not too many people. I hate when- oh.. The car stopped.

      I unbuckled my seatbelt, got out, and headed for the trunk. I grabbed my suitcase and closed the trunk only to find Mr. Lucan standing there. Why is he here..? Oh yeah, he's supposed to give me a tour. Well I might as well get this over with.

    "How many boys are there..?" I asked, walking up to the staircase. This house was huge man! Its 3 stories, and it's in the woods. Perfect. I hope I get my own room.

     "Other than me and the two boys that went with me, there are 7 other boys. The oldest is 19. His name is-" I quickly cut him off.

      "God damn. Don't let them touch me okay?" I quietly asked. He looked sad, angry, and confused. I don't know why he would be sad or angry. I mean, we just met. Oh, that reminds me. I wonder what reason my aunt picked out to send me here..

      "Alright Zero. Stay here for a second okay?" I nodded. I could stay for a minute. But as soon as I get to my room, I'm taking a shower and having a smoke. Mr. Lucan left as I stood there. I wonder what he would say. I mean other than don't touch the new boy.

      I wonder if the boys that went with us told anyone about me. Ah, I can hear it now. 'The new boy is a bitch. You should all ignore him or beat him up'. That's what happened at the last place I went to. I wonder what happened to the little girl. She was the only one that was nice to me, even if I didn't deserve it.

     Man, Lily (the little girl) got kicked out for getting caught kissing a girl. I mean, why should it matter who you love? I remember when I kissed someone for the first time. I was about 15 at the time. I invited them over to play video games. To make a long story short, nobody was allowed over again and I had to get 30 stitches.

   "Ero. Zero!!" Turning to the voice, I realized it was Mr. Lucan. Ugh, I just realized I haven't asked his first name. I mean, Lucan might be his first name. Fuck it, I'll just call him Lucan.


     "You can come in now. Let me show you where your room is." Nodding, I grabbed my suitcase and walked inside. I didn't look around. I would have time for that later. Anyways, I followed Lucan to my new room. We went up all the way to the third floor.

     I hope my room has a window and a bathroom inside. Who knew what would happen if it didn't. Especially since I take so many showers a day. Nobody would be able to shower or use the bathroom. Anyways, we walked all the way to the end of the hallway and stopped at the last door.

    "Here you are Zero. I hope you like it. Your aunt told us that you would need to be by yourself, have a window, and a bathroom. So I had the boys clean out this room and refurnish it. You have a king bed and a dresser. If you need anything else, my room is right across the hallway."

     Great. I'm not gonna be able to get away with anything. Oh well. Wait..I can get in as much trouble I want to. They can't send me back to my aunt and nobody else in my family wants me. I smiled and stepped into the room.

   "Thank you sir. It's alright if I close my door right?"

    "Yes but no locking the bedroom door. Even if you do, I have a key for it. But I'll let you get settled in. Someone will come by at 6 to get you for dinner." As soon as I nodded he left. Am I that much of a loser? Oh well. I pushed my suitcase inside and closed the door.

     I grabbed my cigarettes out the front pocket and moved to the window. It was pretty wide and opened easily. It didn't even make any noise!! There was even a ledge I could sit at. I think I may be okay with this place.

    After I was finished smoking I hoped in the shower. The shower had good pressure and it was super hot. I had the lights off and was carful not to feel the burnt areas of skin. After I got out, I got dressed in some grey sweats and a light blue hoodie with a baby blue mask. I put my eye patch on and layed on the bed. It was pretty comfy.

  I put on my vibe playlist on potify and then started to read. As soon as I finished the tenth chapter, I heard a knock on the door. It must be six. I checked my phone and it was. I got out of bed and put my hair in a bun.

   "Dinner time.." A loud, dominant voice said. Ah, they didn't send a soft emotional boy. I walked over and opened the door.

   "Let's go. I'm Xion, but you can call be Xi (pronounced z-i). I'm the second oldest being 18." While we were walking downstairs I saw the boy I yelled at earlier. He had red puffy eyes. Probably was crying. Stupid boy. As soon as he saw me, he ran. The boy, Xion, raised an eyebrow. I shrugged and kept walking.

      We finally reached the dinning room after another 5 minutes of walking. Xion was very annoying. Always talking about himself or the boys here. I didn't listen for long, seeing as I wouldn't be coming out of my room except for dinner. Anyways, I sat down at the empty seat next to Lucan.

     The food was brought out and everyone started crowding their plates with food. I just sat there. Nothing looked appetizing. If anything, I felt nauseous. I felt eyes on me but I didn't look up.

    "Zero, take off your mask and eat." Lucan said. I might've listened if I didn't feel sick. The thought of me taking off my mask make me feel even sicker. I got up and ran back upstairs to my room. I could hear someone trying to get in but I could already taste the acid in my mouth.

     I ran to the bathroom, locked the door, and pulled off my mask. After I finished puking what little was in my stomach, I felt a bit better. I got up and splashed water on my face. It felt so nice. I dried my face off and was about to put on my mask when I heard my door open. Putting my mask back on, I unlocked the door.


      "Zero, you alright?" It was Lucan. Great. He's so annoying. Did I look okay?! I huffed and went to my bed. I didn't want to talk. I've already talked too much. I closed my eyes and as soon as he got the hint, I heard the door close. Good. I looked over and no one was there. I checked all of my room before locking the door and climbing back in bed.

    After awhile, I put on my playlist I was listening to earlier. No way in hell I was gonna be sad or sleep. I went to my suitcase and started unpacking. I'm gonna have to stay here for awhile anyways. At the bottom of the suitcase there was all my posters and things I had on my old room.

     After I put up the posters, the room looked a lot less empty. I put up my drawings and letters. I also had photos. I got tacks and started to put the photos up over my bed. I even put some on the ceiling.

       After everything, I'll need to get some shower things and a rug. I could ask tomorrow. Wait no. My birthday is tomorrow. Shit. How do I explain why I'm sad and won't leave my room?

    I laid down on the bed and got my phone. I put it on the charger and laid there. My music was still playing. Oh well. Should I keep my mask on? Maybe..But if I don't, someone might see. Okay mask on. I took off my mask and walked to the window . My cigs were still on the ledge, so I climbed out the window and sat down. Sighing, I lit the cig and inhaled. It was going to be a long night and an even longer day tomorrow..

Mr. Lucans House For Disturbed BoysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora