Jamie's birthday

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  Wow! I have over 500 reads. Thank you guys!! I'll probably post a chapter with character descriptions a little later. Don't forget to vote on the special chapter so I can hurry up and start it. Word count:2567

          I woke up, covered in sweat. I was trembling and my arms were bleeding. I looked around and saw Lucas. Why is he here..? I pulled my sleeves down and sat back. It was still hard to breathe..

            "Why are you here..?" He looked shocked. What? Why is he shocked? Surely he knows I can talk.

            "Sir sent me up here. You wouldn't wake up for anybody. I was told to stay here until you did." Ah that explains it.

            "You can leave now." His eyes widened and he shook his head. What does this fucker want?!

           "Get dressed. We're going outside for Jamie's birthday. I would also bandage those scratches if I were you." I nodded and he finally left. I took a quick shower and cleaned my cuts. Some were deep..Oh well. Not deep enough to kill me. I put some ointment on then wrapped it with my gauze.

              I slipped on my mint green sweater that was too big and some emerald green panties. I put on my black overalls (the pant ones) and simply pulled my hair into a bun with some strands framing my face. Maybe I could put Jamie's hair up today.. I grabbed the pictures I made and walked to Grams room. I knocked and he answered after a minute. I simply handed him them and walked downstairs.

          "Hey Zero. You heading downstairs too?" It was Noah. I nodded and grabbed his hand. He didn't pull away so I guess that's good. We walked downstairs and into the garden. There were streamers and lights everywhere. It was perfect for Jamie. But where is he?

             "Where Jamie..?"

                "Hmm.. I'm not sure. He was looking for you earlier though. We can ask Sir."

                 "Alright. Thank you.." He smiled and lead us to Luce. Jamie and Lucas are with him..Hm. I wonder why. It's not my business though. I let go of Noah and quietly walked behind Jamie. I wrapped my arms around him and smiled. He seemed tense..Maybe he doesn't know it's me?

                "Happy birthday Jamie!" I said. It was loud too. Damn. But he seemed to relax. He turned around and hugged me back. His face was red and he had tears in his eyes..

              "Hhh. What's wrong Jamie? Who hurt you?!" He just kept quiet. What? I dragged him to a bench that was conveniently away from everyone. He looked at me and it seemed like he was searching for something. Did Lucas tell him about my arms? Or the nightmare?

             "Let me see your arms." I felt all the color drain from my face and I pulled my sleeves down even more. I don't want him to cry today. He's supposed to be happy..

           "Lucas told you."

          "Yeah.." I sighed and kept my arms covered. There was no need to worry him.

            "I've already taken care of it." Jamie seemed to relax a little but he grabbed my arm. I couldn't help the whimper that came out my mouth since he grabbed right were I scratched. He moved my sleeve up and gasped. I closed my eyes as he rolled up my other sleeve.

            "How bad..?" What? My eyes snapped open and I saw him very close to my face.

            "They were pretty shallow. Nothing bad. Nothing needs stitches either. And yes, I've cleaned it and put ointment on." He let me pull my sleeves down again and hugged me. I need to make him happy..I could tickle him! I grabbed his sides and started tickling him. He couldn't stop laughing and had tears streaming down his face.

Mr. Lucans House For Disturbed BoysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora