Prologue: Research Notes

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Project: KR-0M3

Dr. Merlot's research notes #100
Date: 1st of August
Year: 1995
I've never been one to fully believe in legends, mostly due to various inaccuracies or if they're even at all plausible. However, what truly fascinates me is the origins behind said legends in other words the truth. The object of study for this series of research notes may bring me closer to the truth behind a certain "legend" in particular...(ERROR THIS NOTE SEEMS INCOMPLETE)

Dr. Merlot's research notes #103
Date 4th of August
Year: 1995
"VII FABULA: GULA" Despite its intriguing name it's a very obscure tale, I first learned of it's existence through the extermination of a cannibalistic cult ... (ERROR EXTRACTING ARCHIVE) Petty sibling rivalry Between gods...A beast capable of devouring all of creation..... (ERROR).... Chained .... Eternity... Punishment (ERROR)



??. Merlot (Error) Notes # 134
Date ?? of October 1?95
?????????? Specimen secured thanks to ???? ??????? And Nero... (ERROR) Will begin Conducting experiments promptly..:???


???? 23 ?? September ??96
Finally after countless failed human Trial...(?????) Success..... birth ......

????: Is that all of it? Asked the man clad in a white and blue military uniform.

Young Technicien: Yes sir, I was only able to safe a copy of the non corrupted data. He said as he presented a Hard drive to the Man.

The Man Takes the hard drive and  silently curses under his breath,

Man: Damn it, We finally manage to track down Merlot's lab and not only is it in ruins, but we only managed to retrieve scraps...

Suddenly his attention is drawn towards the entrance of the ruined technological room, as a soldier makes his way through the debris, he comes to a stop and politely saluts before speaking.

Soldier: Special Operative Ironwood, I've come to give you a report: Alpha and Omega squads have managed to clear the grimm from within the facility and have now moved on to exterminate any remaining grimm within a 5 Km radius of the Lab. Our Specialists were able to clear further debris and have found a pathway that leads to an underground facility, where... we believe The experiments took place, Dr. Polendina has requested your presence. Please allow me to guide you.

The man now identified as Ironwood follows the soldier out of the room and into the ruined remains of the lab, the walk was long and non of the two soldiers shared a word, not that it bothered Ironwood he had been here for Three days already, clawing through debris for any form of information, The technological room was great step forward, however they were only able to extract a fraction of Merlot's "Research Notes" and the more he learned the more he was sickened of this place. 

His thoughts were interrupted when the soldier cleared his throat;

Soldier: Dr. Polendina awaits you at the bottom of these stairs, I apologise, but I can accompany you no further I must rejoin my post. The soldier excuses himself and leaves.

As Ironwood made his way down the stairs he comes in the clearing of whats was once the intersection of two rooms however one was covered with police tape that read keep out, he cautiously approached the room, when he was interrupted by a voice that called out to him,

????: I wouldn't go in there if I were you, Nothing but death awaits.

Ironwood raised an eyebrow at the man who was navigating his wheelchair through the debris towards him.

Ironwood: Dr. Polendina, to what do I owe the pleasure of being called out by you?

Polendina: Please call me Pietro, I believe we've known each other long enough to no longer require formalities James.  However pleasantries aside, you need to see this.

Ironwood follows him into the second room where he is greeted by the sight of equipment thrown about, some of it he can only compare to torture devices, a rising unease begins to take over him as Pietro leads him to a piece of machinery fused into the wall, he identifies it as two chambers relayed by multiple wires to a no longer responding computer.

Ironwood: what is it? he asked

Polendina: I've never seen anything like it; but from what we've manage to gather it seems to be a from of aura extractor... Ironwood looks dumbfounded, Pietro continues: if that surprises you, then I can only imagine your shock when you see this. He unhinges one of the chambers doors and out falls what can only resemble a dried up pitch black corpse.

At first Ironwood couldn't identify if the corpse was even human, but then he noticed the bone like structures protruding from the twisted Husk and the skull like mask on the head, Ironwood immediately reaches for his gun when Pietro reassures him.

Polendina: It's dead.

Ironwood: If it's dead then why hasn't the corpse evaporated, you claim this machine serves to extract aura, yet why would a grimm be in there they have no soul, thus no aura.

Polendina: that is one of the many inquires I have posed myself these past few days. Pietro approches the second chamber which has a transparent door and places a hand on it

Polendina : This chamber was filled with IVF fluid, I honestly can't even begin to fathom what was going through Merlot's head, The man was a genius, but he had no morales. A shame that he decided to go down this path, truly what a waste of talent.

Ironwood rubs his temples, the more he stays here and uncovers the secrets, the more everything seems to make less sense, combining that with that rising nausea he lets out a loud sigh and turns to face Pietro. 

Ironwood: here take this. (As he tosses the Hard Drive to Pietro.) It contains what we manage to salvage of Merlot's research notes, See if you can make any use of it to unravel any of the mysteries here. (He turns to leave). I will be returning to atlas we've all been here for far too long, however I'll give you one more the day to continue your studies and bring back anything that may be of value (He gesture to the aura extractor machine). 

As he leaves he can't help but wonder what approaching storm may soon hit them, What was Project KR-0M3, was it the final failed project of Merlot? Was it what caused all this destruction?He rubbed his temple, all he ended up with were more questions...


AN: Hi guys! this is my first story so i'm still trying to figure out how i'm going to write it wether I only want one narrator or will each character have a chance to narrate from their own POV, I am open to all sorts of feedback so don't be shy and I hope you stick around! I have quite a lot of this story planned out and I promise to not make it a copy and paste of RWBY, (at least i'll try!)

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