3. Oleander bush

Começar do início

Brett nodded and confirmed. "Yeup."


And so the pair worked, diligently, courageously, fearlessly, BRAVELY-, nah, just kidding, it was only an oleander bush, they didn't have too much trouble.

Until they reached the top section of the bush, where the branches grew so high that they're arms couldn't reach the top anymore, and had to use Eddy's ladder to finish the job.

They were tired, sweaty, but eager to be done with the job, and get back inside Eddy's air-conditioned house.

So Eddy, being the tallest, volunteered to take a turn on the ladder first, and let Brett have a break.

Brett disagreed with this, saying that Eddy needed to rest more than he did, but couldn't argue about Eddy's height advantage and eventually agreed.

At this point, Eddy had done well, keeping his allergies at bay, with all the allergy medicine flowing through his immune system and the mask, and had only had four, small, sneezes up to this point. But when he got to the top of the ladder, that all changed.

For a few minutes, he was able to keep it under control, but suddenly, out of the the blue, he sneezed. Really hard. Enough to throw him backwards off the ladder and land on his left elbow into the little patch of grass that ran around the perimeter of his house.

It happened so fast, so quickly, that by the time Brett had registered what had happened and was on his feet, Eddy was already on the ground, clutching his elbow and trying not to cry or yell.

Brett rushed over to him, and said in a calm, controlled voice, "Don't worry Eddy, I'm here, it's all gonna be ok."

He sighed, then continued.

"I know it hurts, I really do, and I want to see your elbow so I can help you. Can you sit up for me?"

Slowly, carefully, Eddy was now sitting up with Brett's hand slowly rubbing his back, calming him a little. Eddy couldn't hold in his tears of pain anymore and looked away in embarrassment from Brett. Brett cautiously examined Eddy's elbow, then spoke to Eddy in a comforting voice, despite his scared feelings. "We're going to the hospital. Can you stand up Eddy? For me?"

Eddy nodded through the pain and with Brett's help, stood one his feet like a newborn giraffe.

"We're going to walk to the car now. I'm going to help you."

Eddy nodded again and they walked to Brett's car, slowly, carefully.

Once Eddy was seated in the car, he realized that he couldn't buckle his seat belt. But before he could even say anything, Brett was there, reaching across Eddy's lap to buckle him in.

"Is this too tight?"

Eddy shook his head no, and Brett nodded with approval before gently closing the door and getting in his own seat.


They arrived at the nearest hospital 17 minutes later, where they were met with a slightly annoyed doctor's assistant and told her their information, who said that the doctor would see them in a minute and they should wait in the lobby in the meantime.

Brett found Eddy and himself two chairs side by side, and sat down together, Brett again softly rubbing Eddy's back, and Eddy clutching his elbow and leaning on to Brett.

Finally, Eddy's name was called, and he and Brett walked over to room 117 down the hall. Inside, they meant a friendly and much less annoyed doctor, who told them to call him Dr. Tomlinson, or if they were feeling up to it, Mr. T.

BathtubOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora