3. Oleander bush

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Eddy realized that he had grown really fond of working with Brett in projects, and went around and outside his house the next morning looking for jobs that needed two people, specifically jobs that he thought Brett would like to do with him.

As he walked around the perimeter of his house, he noticed an enormous oleander bush that he had forgotten about in the corner of his backyard.

It was filled to the brim with white flowers, and absolutely shining when the sun hit it. Eddy was surprised that he hadn't noticed it before. Along with all the flowers that this bush came with, it also gave Eddy allergies because of all the pollen that was flying off it.

He walked back into the house to call Brett, and was waiting for him to pick up, when he felt another sneeze coming to him.

Brett picked up his phone and anwered it without hesitation, and was about to tell Eddy good morning when he was met with a loud a sneeze right in his ear.

Brett held his phone away from his ear, surprised and laughing at the absurdity of this "good morning".

"Well good morning to you too, Eddy."

"Ugh. I'm so sorry, Brett, didn't mean for that to happen. But that's actually the reason I called you."

"Aww, so it wasn't to say good morning? Meanie."

Eddy laughed at Brett's mock attitude and could imagine his frown from the other end of the line. "That too. I called to ask you if you'd help me trim the huge oleander bush in my backyard."

"Another project? Wow Eddy, in all my years knowing you, I've never seen you be this productive for more than a day, let alone three!"

"Haha. Very funny."

"That's right, it is. And yes, I will help you."

"Ok, great."

"I'll be there soon. See ya."


Brett hung up and hopped in his car, simply ecstatic to be working. Again. With Eddy.


Brett arrived at Eddy's house with the excitement of kindergartener, but the coolness of a cucumber. He didn't want to look like too much of a sucker.

"Yo Eddy, I'm here!" Brett called out into the empty house, wondering where Eddy had gone off to when he'd been expecting him.

That's weird, his car is still here. thought Brett.

Still wondering, Brett tried to search through the house while calling Eddy's name, with no luck.

He finally looked in the backyard, where Eddy was standing in front of a gigantic oleander bush, wearing a mask to stop pollen getting to him, thinking about how exactly to tackle this bush monster.

Brett waved to Eddy and said, "Hey, finally found you!"

Eddy looked at Brett and said, "You were looking for me?"

"Yeah, and called your name about a million times. Searched the whole house."

"Sorry I didn't hear you. Well, anyway, now that you're here, we can get started."

Eddy took two pairs of hedge clippers in his hands and passed one to Brett, who was now standing next to Eddy. Eddy kept the other one for himself, and then turned to Brett once more to explain his master plan.

"Ok, so here's how we're gonna do it. This bush is pretty tall, so we're gonna need to use a ladder to get to the top, and were gonna start at the bottom and sides and then work our way up. Got it?"

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