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The morning after the whole issue Namjoon was mad at himself.

When they were all sat in the kitchen for breakfast Namjoon was the last to join and the first thing he did was take a hold of taehyungs hand and asked the boy to follow him.

Namjoon took the boy to the backyard.

"Joonie" Taehyung said with a soft voice he knew the boy was hurt too.

Namjoon stopped and let go of taehyungs hand, he turned toward the said boy and his eyes started to water he fell on his knees.

Taehyung was shocked by the action.

"Please forgive me," he said

"I should have known better than to doubt you during your hard time and literally invite the man into our home"

Namjoons body started to tremble as he tried his best to hold back his cry.

Taehyung sat down in front of Namjoon and placed his hands on the boys' shoulder.

"Joonie look at me," he asked

"It was and wasn't your fault at the same time, you knew him for a long time so I understand it's hard to believe something bad about someone you thought you knew completely"

Namjoon kept staring at Taehyung and he couldn't hold back any more big fat tears started falling down his cheeks.

"Oh Joon," Taehyung said as he looked into the boys' eyes.

He placed a hand on namjoons face and pecked his lips.

The action made Namjoon relax a bit.

Taehyung hugged Namjoon and whispered what he was dying to hear.

"I forgive you"

It was yet another morning but this time it was one of the most cheerful ones they've had since they arrived here.

The boys were at the beach where the heat was just a good amount and the waves were perfect.

They laid there and relaxed, they deserved it after this big rollercoaster that life placed them in.

Namjoon was having a moment with Hoseok about to kiss the boy and make out at the beach.

They owned the place so doing stuff like that wouldn't be a big problem.

But his phone interrupted the moment

"Alex has confessed" was all that was said.


Namjoon and Taehyung Walked into their P.I's office and sat down waiting for the man to come.

"Good morning sir"

"Good morning D," Namjoon said as he waved his hand at the man standing at the door.

D came and sat down at his chair and quickly pulled out the file that was needed.

"So.." he said as he rambled through pages.

"It wasn't just Alex's doing apparently there was a mastermind behind it"

Taehyung had tensed up at the man's name, Namjoon noticed and placed a hand over taehyungs thigh to calm him down.

"Who was it?" Namjoon asked as he stroked Taehyung thigh to keep him calm.

D switched through papers and answered Namjoon

"He confessed that he was doing this under his moms' influence."

Namjoons eyes were wide open and his hand that was placed on taehyungs thigh stopped moving

"What," he asked in shock

"Yes, here it says that his mom had paid him a lot of money and told him if he did this for his sister she wouldn't mind him being with a man"

"That's his reason!" Namjoon said in anger

"It says his mom sent him away because he came out to her and she couldn't accept it and since she was quite abusive to him he was a little afraid of her and wanted to please his mother for once in his life"

"By destroying someone else's life, I can't believe he could hit that low"Namjoon spoke while looking at D.

D nodded his head and went back to reading the papers.

"He also confessed Layla knew about nothing"

Namjoon sighed

"They both will be sent to prison for their crime don't worry"

Namjoon nodded his head.

"You can leave now, thank you for coming"

"No thank you D for all your hard work," Namjoon said as he got up holding taehyungs hand.

"Always there for you sir" D bowed to namjoons Nd Taehyung who left not long after.


The boys came back to the city and stayed with Namjoon at his place.

Jungkook decided to go visit his sister.

The boys went back to their jobs even after a lot of convincing from Namjoon who told them they didn't need to but they loved their jobs and decided it was best if they could help even if it wasn't much compared to Namjoon.

Namjoon was sat in his office doing some paperwork when his phone rang he picked it up without looking at the caller I'd since he was focused on his work.

"Namjoon" he heard the voice that broke his concentration

"Layla," he said

"I would like it if we could meet, please we need to talk," she asked, she sounded like she was pleading for the boy to say yes.

"Fine I'll meet you at the coffee shop near the office"

And he hung up and went back to work but he couldn't focus since his mind wandered to what she had to say.


"Hey," she said as she sat down in front of Namjoon who was waiting for her.

"Hi" he replied and took a sip of his coffee

Layla sipped her juice she had ordered and cleared her throat.

"I am so sorry for what happened," she said finally breaking the silence.

"I have some things to confess about too but before I do that I need to tell you something"

Namjoon nodded his head

"I would like it if you and your boyfriends could take full custody of the baby once I give birth"

Namjoons eyes went wide and he placed his coffee back on the table

"I'll tell you the reason why but I need an answer first"

"I... I would but I need to ask the others and I need to know why you don't want to be in your baby's life Layla your family did some bad things to us but I never would ask you to leave your baby's life"

Namjoon said, making Layla smile a little this was one of their decent conversations since everything went downhill when they broke up.

"I will tell you, first of all, I'm really sorry"


First of all, I'm so sorry for the delay as I've written on my page work has started again yayyy ( sarcastic)

Anywho I need your help guys


For boys and girls and what do u want Layla's babies gender to be? 💜💜💜

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