Detention With Hagrid

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"She- um- actually cant speak right now. Her throat hurts."

"Oh. Well why are you here?" Harry asked.

"Because she's my friend. She also wanted me to come." I nodded. A few of them looked shocked, but the rest of them were fine.

"Well, now for the real question." Fred said.

"Why is Percy here?" George asked. We all turned to look at the Weasley, who was off to the corner.

"Well, I- um- I actually don't really know. I felt kind of worried, I guess." He said. I then softly spoke.

"Well, thanks for caring! Also, how long have I been here?" I asked.

"Well you've been here pretty long. Lucky for you, though, you woke up right before detention with Hagrid!" Ron said.

"Seriously?! That hasn't already passed?" He shook his head and I slumped down in the bed, pouting. Everyone laughed at my reaction, other than Percy and Draco. I assumed they wanted to not seem soft in front of everyone. We continued to talk for a while until it was time for me to leave. 

I insisted that they go to the Great Hall and wait for me there, but Fred and George annoyed me until I had them stay. I went to my dorm, with the two identical gingers waiting in the common room for me. I freshened up a bit before putting on one of Dudley's sweaters and grey sweatpants and heading down to the common room. I was immediately hoisted up onto Fred's shoulders and carried out into the halls.

"Freddie! Your embarrassing meee!" I complained, feeling heat rise to my cheeks. They just laughed and kept walking. I sighed and pulled my wand from my sock, summoning flowers and decorating Fred's hair with them. I then did the same with George, who was walking right beside his twin. 

Neither one of them complained and soon enough, they walked into the Great Hall. All the chatter stopped and it was dead silent for a few moments, but it soon bursted into cheers. I shyly smiled and ran over to the Gryffindor table, sitting next to Harry.

"Hey, I thought that was mine!" Harry said, motioning to the sweater I was wearing.

"Well technically, it was Dudley's." I said. While Hermione completely understood, the rest of them gave us confused glances, but I chose to ignore it. We ate dinner and we headed outside with Malfoy and Filch.

"A pity they let the old punishments die. There was a time detention would have you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God I miss the screaming." Filch mumbled the last part.

"Go ahead, hang me by my thumbs. See if I care." I whispered, which got me a smack on the head by Hermione and a chuckle from Ron and Harry. Draco kept a strait face and rolled his eyes.

"You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. He's got a little job to do inside the dark forest. A sorry lot this is, Hagrid." He said. When Hagrid stayed silent, he continued. 

"Oh, good god, man. You're still not on about that bloody dragon, are you?" Hagrid picked up his crossbow and shrugged.

"Norbert's gone. Dumbledore sent him off to Romania to live in a colony." He said. I grew sad upon hearing this. I really liked the dragon, thought it was adorable. 

"Well, thats good. Isn't it? He'll be with his own kind." Hermione spoke.

"But Hermione! Norbert was a good dragon! What if he doesn't like it in Romania? What if he doesn't get along with the other dragons?" I asked. Filch rolled his eyes at me and Hagrid nodded his head.

"Pull yourself together. He's just a dragon." Filch said, ushering us into the forest.

"Wait, we actually have to go to the forest? I thought you were joking!" Draco started.

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