Chapter 4

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Laura's Story (part 2)

This was risky. We walked through the front door as if we were entering our own house. We looked around the dark room. Minimum light shined through the cracks from the wooden boards that made up the walls. Then, from the corner of the barn, near a pile of hay, I heard- what sounded like- muffled cries.

"Do you hear that?" Carmilla spoke up, not really wanting me to answer her. "That's Lauren, she's in here! We have to find her, now!" Without a second thought, Carmilla ran to the corner of the barn that we heard the cries. There was footsteps, then a scream, a girl's voice I didn't recognize, Carmilla yelled, and then I saw two silhouettes run to the other side of the barn, one chancing after the other. (I presumed one of the silhouettes was Carmilla's).  The building itself wasn't very big, about the size of a double-door garage, from what I could see visibly. I watched, as one of the silhouettes started to climb up on, what I guess was a latter. I looked up and realized there was another level to the barn, most likely just a storage loft. The other dark figure went climbing up after the first.

I still heard the muffled cried from the corner. As I was about to run toward the cries, Carmilla yelled from up top,

"Who the hell are you, what the hell are you!? " There was a thud from above, most likely a body being slammed against the ground. I have to admit I was terrified. All I could here was scratching and roaring. (which probably meant Carmilla was in her cat form) Then I heard another girl saying that 'she didn't want to have to do this' and 'you don't understand, you came in at the wrong time.'

I proceeded to run over to the cries, there was Lauren tied up in a chair, her mouth covered my duck-tape and a necklace of garlic hung around her neck. Her face was paler than normal and she had blood on her face. I looked her over and noticed the palm of her hand was gashed open. Did this mean she was part of a ceremony type, thing?

Cuts and bruises aside, Lauren was a spitting image of Carmilla at the moment. I know they aren't really blood sister, but it might have been that I saw Carmilla in this exact same scenario. Taken hostage and tied up…  I ripped the duct tape off Lauren's mouth, and then I got out my handy-dandy pocketknife and cut the rope loose.

"IDIOTS! YOU HAVE THE WRONG GIRL!" Lauren screamed at me as she dashed over to the latter and started to climb up it.

"Oh, ok, yeah, you're welcome!" I said rolling my eyes. I stood alone for a few seconds, debating if I should go up with everyone or stay down here where it was safe. Curiosity got the best of me; I ended up going to the upper part of the barn. The upper level was a lot brighter than the lower level. I assume this was because the roof had a decent sized hole in it, so the moonlight just leaked in. It was quite a scene to walk, or should I say climb, into. Carmilla was in her cat form, pure black fur, and yellow eyes that glowed. Lauren was also in cat form, she was mostly white, with a black patch of fur that covered her left eye and paws. Both were triple the size I was. Just their paws alone were the size of my head . Although, I thought maybe the two sisters would be working together to capture the other girl, who was pinned against the back wall- in fear, they were doing the exact opposite. Instead of working together, they were clawing and fighting one another. I guess Carmilla wasn’t into listening to Lauren’s reasoning of why we had the wrong girl. From the looks, it seemed Lauren was winning. I looked over at the girl pressed up against the wall. She had three slash cuts that went across her right cheek, Carmilla's doing I presume. The girl slowly bent down and reached in front of her, she retrieved what looked to be a stick. I felt useless at this point, just watching the events happen as if watching a movie. The girl then whispered something and fire came from the stick. I blinked a few times just to make sure I wasn’t seeing things. . I guess the ‘stick’ was more of a wand. That means the unnamed girl was some sort of witch or something like that. The fire hit Lauren in the back. Her beautiful white pelt soon was caught up in flames. Both Carmilla and Lauren turned back to human form. Carm slapped Lauren on the back extremely hard in attempt to put the fire out, which was now burning the back of Lauren’s t-shirt. Once the fire was out Carmilla started to charge toward the girl with the wand, yet again.

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