Chapter 1

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Lauren’s Story

"We can only see them, only us! If you weren’t so careless about your life on campus you’d know that!" Carmilla yelled at me while she moved back and forth in circles in my dorm room. Thank God, she had decided to yell at me in private for once.

"I’m new to this! I get massive headaches all the time because people talk to loud, I can smell food or perfume from miles away, and I see colors that don’t exist to anyone but us. I’m still getting use to all this." I said trying to defend myself.

 "Lauren," my sister said gruffly. "You were bitten six months ago you should have this under control."

"Oh, ok, says the one who was bitten three-billion years ago." I crosses my arms over my chest and gave my sister a more than unpleased glare. Technically, we weren’t blood sisters but we had the same afterlife mother. The same mother who is dead now. That’s not something to be sad over though, she was the worst mother in the world. I never really saw the worst of her but I heard the stories. I was still in high school last year, when Carmilla and her girlfriend Laura killed our mother. This year is my first year of college and it had just begun. It was actually Carm’s idea to have me go to this collage. I figured, just so she could keep a close eye on me and train me to be a real vampire. Or at least a well-functioning vampire.

"It’s 3:00pm go to bed Lauren." Carmilla tucked me into bed as if I were a child then left to go help Laura with some journalist report probably. I looked at the ceiling until I heard a fragile knock on the door.

"Come in." I said not willing to move from the warmth of my bed. I hear the door creek open and in walks my roommate, Dinah.

 "Hey Miss Sleeps-All-Day." She said with such a high, annoying tone in her voice- well let’s just say she’s lucky I didn’t slug her.

"Dinah, shut up." I turned the opposite way from her and closed my eyes.

"You and your sister I swear to God, you’re exactly alike." She laughed at her own humor but I cringed. Was I really that much like Carmilla?

"So anyway girl," Dinah sat on her bed across from mine and continued. "There’s this girl in my morning lecture hall, her names Camila Cabello and she was like-"

 "Wait!" I said cutting Dinah off and turning to face her, yet again. "I know that name."

"Well I mean she lives on campus, I see her around all the time anyway…" Dinah continued to ramble about how Camila must have dropped all her things in class and spilled Coffee all over Dinah’s friend, Normani. I stopped listening as I got up to get my iPhone off the table where it was charging. Camila, it was foggy, all my past memories were foggy. Cabello, I know her. I scrolled through my contacts, A, B, C- Camila Cabello! I did know her, but how? Why can’t I remember her? I looked through my texts conversations, until I found our last conversation that we had had over text. They were dated in July, that was just over six months ago. It read,

 Camila: I love you but it’s not fair you treat me like a child

Lauren: Because you act like one

 Camila: I can take care of myself

Lauren: You can say that all you want

Camila: Why are you being such an asshole?

 Lauren: Maybe I’m just not the right person for you.

Camila: Are we over?!

 Lauren: Yeah

Camila: I’ll see you tonight at the dance.

The night of the prom is the night I died. I can’t remember anything from my past life, now that I think about it. I don’t even remember my birth parents. All I remember is waking up in a bedroom, Carmilla was nursing me back to health and my head hurt. I went to the rest of my senior year in high school; of course, I had to move schools. I don’t remember anything else from high school. The only reason I know that I actually went to high school is because I have a graduation certificate. If Camila was the last person I spoke to before I became a bloodsucker, I feel she is a huge part of this. I’m remembering that I forgot my memories.

Then I saw it- the things only ‘people’ like Carmilla and I can see. It was about the size of my fist, it looked like a black puffball.

“DINAH!” I said a little too excitedly.

 “Jesus girl, what?” She said, trying to calm down from the jump scare I had just given her. I walked over to her and moved her to the door. I gave her some stupid excuses to why she needed to leave right now- and surprisingly she did so. I closed the door and locked it, just to make sure no one was getting in and out. I waited, quietly without movement for a few minutes until the black puff ball made its way from under my bed out into the middle of my dorm room’s floor.

 “Gottcha!” I said as I pounced on the creature. Nervously I scooped it up in my hands and examined the ball of fluff. Holy shit it was cute and had the biggest eyes I had ever seen. It was seriously just a ball of black fluff (like I said) with jet black eyes that took up 60% of its body. Why was Carmilla worried about- “OH MY GOD IT HAS TEETH!” I screamed as the adorably evil animal latched onto my hand. It felt like needles going through my skin. I screamed out in pain, again. I tried to rip it off my hand, but it’s jaws were as strong as a shark’s and the more I pulled the deeper its teeth went in my flesh. Then I felt it inject me with what I could only presume to be some sort of poison. Carmilla warned me! She told me to be careful. My world went fuzzy and I hit the floor with a thud. Seconds flew by but from the floor it felt like hours.

 “Lights out Lauren.” I heard a girl’s voice say from above me. I couldn’t see who it was because my vision was so fuzzy and my head was spinning. How did this girl get in? I locked the door! “Lights out.” She repeated. Then, darkness.

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