Chapter 3

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Laura's Story

It was a freezing night. I held Carm's hand a little tighter than normal. We followed a trail of fading blood and footprints. This was brutal, trying to find her sister not know if she was alive or not. As much as Carmilla claimed to hate people there were only a few people she would give anything up to protect. Those 'few people' being Lauren and I.

"We'll find her." I finally said through chattering teeth. My fingers were turning blue and my lips purple. Carmilla was silent as she looked over to me and then back to the path.

"Laura, stay close to me. We've found the place Lauren and her kidnapper are at." Carmilla said pointing to the barn in front of us. It was as if the old barn had come out of nowhere, just appeared from out of thin air. Also, It was hard to see the barn due to it being covered in grown up trees and weeds, the perfect place to hide a victim. Besides, I was more worried about how Carmilla was holding up. I felt my pocket just to make sure I had my switchblade and bear spray, I did.

"Are we going to go inside?" I questioned taking another step forward.

"Did I not just tell you to stay close?" Carmilla said as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me back behind her. I scrunched up my nose and looked at the back of her head, clearly a little pissed off.

"Excuse me miss, I'm not a child. I can take care of my nineteen year old self, thank you very much!"

"Look I just don't want to be constantly chasing after your ass." Carmilla said without even turning to look me in the eyes. I shook my head with in disbelief.

"First you don't tell me what the freaking hell is going on with the monsters, then you're sister gets kidnapped and I'm sure you know more about that than I do-"

"I have no fucking clue what's going on and why Lauren is gone!" Carmilla snapped. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going in that building right now, whether you like it or not." I said in a huff as I walked past Carmilla and toward the barn.

"Laura, I swear to God if you go in there without me I'm not saving you." Carmilla said crossing her arms over her chest.

"You won't have to I can do it by myself." I said still proceeding to walk toward the building. After a few seconds, I hear the stomps of Carm's boots in the grass behind me. She was murmuring about how this century doesn't understand the obligations of blah blah blah. I smiled and- yet again- took my girlfriend's hand. We got to the left wall of the falling down barn. There was a small hole in the wall just enough to see inside. I peered in to find nothing. It was far to dark to see inside the building. Even though the moon was shining brighter than normal that night, it didn't help.

"What's your plan, Sherlock?" Carmilla whispered to me. I shrugged and released her hand pointing to the vines that rose up the side of the building.

"Can we climb to the top and sneak in?" I questioned.

"We don't even know if anyone is in here. We'll go through the front door... together." Carmilla somewhat smiled as she looked at me and proceeded to say, "Besides, we're far better off as a team." I blushed and looked to my feet.


"Shall we go without further ado?" She questioned me, bending her knees just enough to see my (still) blushing face. I nodded and we both carful lung snuck around to the front entrance of the barn. Carmilla slowly pushed the sliding door open to the inside of the barn. As if shadows, we both entered the pitch-black barn.

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