Chapter 8: Pandora's Box

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-Sometimes you should let a secret to remain hidden, because it is the only way to avoid any pain. Indeed it is excruciating to restrain yourself, and it is your rights to know the truth; but if and only if, you are ready to get hurt. Sometimes it is better to let the truth go; because just like how Pandora opens the box of sorrow and pain, maybe you will greatly regret knowing the truth.-

Henry and Zane just arrived at their unit. The awkwardness is still there especially right now when Lean is already gone. Both of them are pretending to forget what happen last night. As Henry opened the unit's door both of them tried to enter as quickly as possible, causing them to bump at each. They looked at each other and their faces are turning red.

"You should go first."

Henry said immediately to avoid eye contact with Zane.

"No, you're the one who opened the door so you should go first."

Zane replied.

"But I am the one who invited you to the trip so you should be the one to go home first."

Henry replied.

"No it's fine I enjoyed it, go inside now."

Zane said. Henry paused a little bit as he considered their conversation ridiculous.

"You know, just go inside"

Henry said as he tries to drag Zane inside. As their pointless conversation about who should be the first to go inside ends, both of them are now successfully entered their unit. But it is still awkward, right now in their living room. No one is moving as both of them are standing at the living room, trying to wait for each other's next move. It is like a predator and prey scene where both are trying to be careful not to make any mistakes. Thankfully Henry noticed a teddy bear on the couch, with a same size of an elementary kid. Henry lifted it and he noticed a memo attached on the teddy bear's foot. It is a memo from Ritmo.


Ritmo's memo:

Dude, give this to Zane, it is a special stuff toy with a hidden cam on its eyes, you can use it to investigate if he really likes you.


"He really wants to prove that he is telling the truth"

Henry said to himself right after he finished reading the memo. Zane was intrigued about what is the teddy bear for as he approaches Henry from the back.

"Where did that came from?"

Zane said as he tries to look at the memo from the behind of Henry. Henry was startled since he didn't notice that Zane is already at his back. Luckily he was fast enough to crumple the paper.

"Wha-What? Oh this one? Nothing this is nothing."

Henry said in panic. Zane just let it be since he concluded that it is Henry's gift for Jeraldine. He started to head to his room to take a rest but as soon as he opened the door, Henry stopped him.

"H-hey Zane! This is for you."

Henry said while trying to give the Teddy Bear to Zane. Because of the size of the stuff toy Zane can't see Henry's face, which is like a red tomato at the moment. Zane wasn't expecting that the teddy bear was for him which makes him a little bit happy, at least for a few moment before he realized that he don't like it.

"No thanks, I don't like stuff toys."

Zane replied. Henry, who is currently facing at the floor, trying to hide his face even though the Teddy Bear already did it, was not expecting Zane's reaction. He was shocked as he moves the teddy bear to the side to look at Zane's face. He was dumbfounded, trying to comprehend why Zane don't like it.

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