12. You ever think about the remix to Ignition?

Depuis le début

"Tight Light!" we scream in unison at him, and he just watches us scramble back and forth in the meeting room.

"Uh... yes. Lights are good?" he mumbles.

I brew several cups of coffee for the three people from Tight Light meeting us today, reciting the practice answers in my mind as Tommy sets up the recording room just in case. Ian helps us with cleaning in the meeting room, while Tommy and I vocalize in case they need a sample. Boy, I was tense. My voice was shaking.

The Tight Light producers come in around thirty minutes of preparation later, and we welcome them from the Mythical front desk into the meeting room. There were Tanya Morrison, the head producer, and Gigi Smith and Anna Penn, associate producers. Soon, it was discussion time about the record label.

"So when we first heard Girls Are Gross," Tanya begins, "we were like, 'this is really, really creative' and we wanted to contact you right away. I understand that you, Miss Miller, are the vocalist, while Mr. Bowe here assisted with the production, right? At that time however, we were fully booked with so many talents already, and we decided against doing so."

"But we kept you guys in mind this year," Gigi adds. "Apparently, you've been very busy for the past few months, so we decided against it again, but when we messaged one of your producers, Garrett, he did mention that you two were currently available."

I wanted to refute that though. I was going through a divorce, attending classes, and working at Smosh. But this is that big music break I've been waiting for my whole life, and I just couldn't let it go. It was going to be extremely stressful, but I know I can manage. Shayne was really supportive of whatever I did anyway.

Oh, right. We were gonna get divorced. Good job forgetting that one, Courtney.

The meeting went smoothly (maybe a little too smoothly to be honest), and the producers (who were all very understanding women in the industry) were so pleasant to speak with. We show them around the office as soon as work began, and they even agreed to having a look-see at what we do at work. We get them to observe a Smoshcast shoot, they inquire around, and as they do, Tommy and I drink our coffees nervously by the kitchen.

"You two look shaken up," Josh from Mythical says to us as soon as he arrives.

"Super shaken up, man," I tell him, sighing. "Thanks for helping us cook up some lunch for the producers."

"No prob, no prob," he replies, smiling at us. "What's the event anyway?"

"They're from Tight Light, they came by to ask us about what we do here and possibly sign us on," Tommy explains.

"Wow, that's amazing," he remarks, gazing at the producers. "Hope you guys get that deal, but aren't you two gonna get busy? And Courtney, you have classes right now, right?"

"Yeah, but I think it'll all work out," I assure him, gazing at Shayne speaking with the producers. "I have the right kind of people supporting me anyway. You guys are awesome."

"She says as she looks at Shayne," Tommy jokes, high-fiving Josh who was chuckling. I roll my eyes at the both of them, laughing.

By lunch time, they decided to dine with Ian instead to talk with him about scheduling and all that. I go to the break room and take a deep breath. Thank God I survived that morning with coffee, or so I thought as I hear my stomach rumble like crazy. I was already feeling tired, and I had a short 45-minute class online, so I had to get some food quickly. I turn on my phone to order some food, but I see a text message.

From: Shayne "The Rock" Bottom
Fridge. Pink sticky note.

So I walk towards the fridge at the kitchen and open it to see a neatly packaged box inside with the pink sticky note that had my name on it. Opening it, I see the breakfast I didn't get to eat this morning.

Here's To Us [Shourtney]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant