Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


(Paige's POV)

"Dammit Mel," I commented at I wrapped my jacket tighter around myself.

"I am so fucking cold!"

It was December now, and almost Christmas. Also, it was only a few days until my babies are due, and since I'm having triplets, I'm sooo glad they are finally coming out.

Currently Mel, Dani, Sarah and I are Christmas shopping. I am regretting coming because I fear I will freeze to death or die while treading through all this snow.

"Cheer up honey, you have three beautiful bubba's on the way," Sarah grinned and I laughed, looking down at my huge belly.

"You're gonna have to deal with me like this for a couple more days hopefully."

"Oof!" I gasped when Mel and Dani in front of me stopped suddenly and I crashed into Dani's back and fell into the cold, wet snow.

"Oops, sorry!" Dani smacked her hand over her mouth and helped me up.

"I'm so sorry Paige! It's just that I'm certain I saw Jake over there. I don't know though because some girl holding his hand was blocking my view," Mel said and my eyes widened, and I peered over Sarah's shoulder.

"What did the girl look like?" I bit my lip hesitantly.

"Black hair, blue eyes.."


I ran in the direction of where Mel saw them, and sure enough Jake and Sabrina were looking at Necklaces in the window of a Jewellry store. I walked closer so I could hear them.

"Ooh, I really like that! It's gorgeous!" Sabrina commented on a pretty blue necklace. When Jake ignored her she inched closer to him.

"I love that necklace!"

Again, Jake continued looking at something else, and Sabrina sighed in annoyance.

"Bloody hell Jake! Can you please listen to me for once! I'm your girlfriend and I'm pointing out stuff I want for Christmas. Could you at least consider getting me a gift! You only ever think of yourself!" She poured out and some customers turned and looked at them.

Jake gritted his teeth and pushed Sabrina behind a rack of clothes so they were less in the open. Then he grabbed her neck with one hand and a knife with the other.

"You need to learn to shut the fuck up, you worthless piece of shit," he growled and pressed the knife against her leg harshly. He covered her mouth and kept pushing down as she desperately tried to scream for help.

I dashed out from my hiding place and kicked Jake in the balls as hard as I could. He stumbled over in pain and I stood in front of Sabrina. She was like me, and I would never let Jake do that to someone so innocent.

"Paige!" He hissed and threw the knife straight at me and I caught it easily, without even moving or hurting myself.

In the past couple of months, I've been taking different classes to improve my fighting, defence and attacking skills. I decided to do it since now I was going to have three little children I also had to protect, and I would kill myself if Jake hurt any of them.

"Hmm.. I see you have been working hard," Jake pulled himself up and smirked towards me and Sabrina. She sniffed and shrunk down into a ball, using her jumper to wrap around her bleeding leg.

Mel, Dani and Sarah ran in and looked upon the situation. They all ran over to Sabrina, helping her up and taking her over to the shop assistant. I heard the words 'Knife', 'boyfriend' and 'threatened' mentioned, and I knew they had told the truth. The assistant grabbed the phone and called the police, and Jakes face went red with anger.

I saw a bike chain and lock not too far away, but I knew if I went to grab it Jake would do something. I eyed Sarah and the chain, and she nodded understandably.

With nice swift and sharp movements, she grabbed the chain and whipped it towards me. I leaped up and grabbed it mid air, and pushed Jake to a pole. At he went at me with the knife, I ducked and clipped the chain around him safely. I locked it in and dashed a few steps back.

I watched Jack struggle to get out from the trap, but since he didn't know the code- and neither did I- he banged his hand against the pole in annoyance.

I stood back with Dani as the police came in and some investigated a sobbing Sabrina while the others went to Jake.

One of the ones who was questioning Jake walked up to us. "Who locked him to that pole?"

I stepped forward and held my head up. "It was me."

"Well I have to say this is excellent work. The situation would have been a lot worse if no one thought of this. Thank you."

I smiled and nodded.

I turned when I felt eyes burn into the back of my neck, and I followed them to Sabrina's icy blue ones.

"Uh.. Paige is it?" She mumbled and I nodded, sitting beside her. The police had gotten her a cotton blanket and a cup of tea, and she still look distressed and scarred. I wouldn't blame her.

"W-why did you help me? Did J-Jake hurt you also?" She said and I sighed.

"Yeah he did, and I understand how hard it is. I almost died because he burnt a house down with me inside of it. I know this better than anything."

Sabrina just burst out crying.

"What do I do Paige!"

"You have to leave him, and I know it's hard. I was so deeply afraid that he would find me and hurt me even more, but it's what you have to do."

She bowed her head slowing, and wiped away the tears.

"I'm so afraid Paige, all of my family lives across the other side of the world and I can't do this alone!"

"Stay with us then. We will all protect you. I live with many other amazing girls and heaps of strong guys who all know about this situation, you'll be safe with us," I reassured and she hugged me.

"Thank you so much! I could never repay you!"

Sabrina left to talk to Dani and I stayed behind.

I got up to leave and I took one last look at Jake. He was folding a piece of paper into a plane.

He looked me straight in the eye and flew it towards me.

I hesitantly unwrapped it and gulped at the black writing.

One of your children will pay for this

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