They head to the next room, it's quiet...Too quiet. "Let's stay alert" Flowey whispered as they tip-toe, then Daniel's red soul appeared as a new encountered approach. Daniel looked at the creature, it was like a mermaid type, but in the corner, somehow approach by not moving. He pressed CHECK: Tone deaf. She's too ashamed to sing her deadly song. "........toot...." She responded, lays out only two attacks, which is easier for Daniel. Shyren pretends to be a pop idol. Daniel thought about making her happy, he pressed ACT, then pressed hum. Daniel begins to hum a funky tune, Shyren follows his melody. "Si re, si re si mi si mi" She sings, but it was her attacks, luckily Daniel avoid her attacks. Shyren seems much more comfortable singing along, Daniel continue humming, it drawn monsters towards his music. Then, out of nowhere in Michael's eyes, it's a concert. "What the heck is happening?" Michael asked. "Si Fa Si Fa So Fa So Mi Re Re" Shyren singed, making her attacks little more aggressive. Sans is selling tickets made of toilet paper. "Isn't that illegal?" Michael asked, pointed the tickets. Daniel hum more, the seats are sold out, he feels like a rock star! "Mi So Mi So Mi Si Mi La Si So" She sings, making her attacks little longer. The crowd tosses clothing, it's a storm of socks. Michael covered Elizabeth's eyes from seeing shirtless monsters, keeping her innocent. Daniel hums in his microphone, but the constant attention...The tours...The groupies...It's all...Which made Shyren aggressively tooting at Daniel. Daniel get hit twice, 16HP. Now, Shyren thinks of her future. Now, Daniel sings along with Shyren, they sing together brought the crowd to adore. Daniel and Shyren have some so far, but it's time. They both have their own journeys to embark on, Daniel hums a farewell lullaby. In her final toot, she sings a fast and long lullaby as attacks, which hit him once, now have 13HP, thankfully, Shyren sings a healing lullaby, all her attacks turns to green as healing, healed Daniel's red soul. Daniel spared Shyren, as she sings away. Michael blinked what just happen but forgets it anyway. "Let's just...continue?" Michael walks up to the sign, reading it. "The northern room hides a great treasure." Michael read. "Treasure!?" Elizabeth gasped, jump up. "Hmm, we could explore but let's not steal the treasure" Michael replied, going the north path, leads to a room with a piano and a sign. Daniel walks up, learning out to translate. "A echoes...down the...corridor...Won't you play along? Only...the first 8...are fine. Huh?" Daniel read, figure that they need to play the piano. "Don't you get it, you have to play the piano to unlock the door!" Flowey complained to Daniel, been carried by Elizabeth. "Oh" Daniel replied, walks up to the piano. They walks out, since have nothing to do in there, they head to east path, leads to a lonely statue, almost like a goat, drops of water from a storm watered the statue, almost looking so depressed. They walk pass it, then saw a pile of umbrellas, Daniel found a sign next to it. "Please take one." Daniel translate it, then thought of an idea to keep the statue from getting wet, he pick up an umbrella and walk back. "Daniel, what are you doing?" Flowey asked, as they followed Daniel. "Giving the statue an umbrella, to keep him dry." Daniel replied, opened the umbrella, and put it on the statue. "It's a statue! It's not even alive—" Before Flowey finish his complains, a lullaby was played, coming from the statue, it was an emotional moment for them. It's almost like they were meant to stay here...Not just for purpose, but for the better...It's almost felt like someone was there, guiding them to safety and success, like a family bond was standing right there in front of them this whole time. Then, something flashes above the statue, Michael notices, it was a lullaby for the piano. They got distracted to check out the treasure, it's a good thing that Michael has done piano lessons, he press the riddles, open the trap door. Excitedly, they walk in, finding a legendary artifact, a red ball. "Huh, this must be useful" Michael replied, try to grab it, then a sign appeared. "You're carrying too many dogs" Which made them blink. "Dogs?" Michael asked, as he check his inventory, finding a sleepy white dog in there. "What the!?" Michael shouted, getting the dog out. Then, the dog start running around, licking their face, making them laugh and confused, then Toby Fox focus on the legendary artifact, he absorbs the artifact, then leap out of Y/N's computer, giving them loves and cuddles, then Plushtrap comes out of Y/N's computer. "Toby! Get back to the story! Y/N! Forget what just happen!" Plushtrap replied as he and Toby sunk back to the computer, while the story continue. They walk out of the treasure room, confused as heck. Then, Michael notices the two signs, he walks up to it and read it. "This power has no counter. Indeed, a human cannot take a monster's SOUL. When a monster dies, its SOUL disappears. And an incredible power would be needed to take the SOUL of a living monster." Michael read as they check the last sign. "There is only one exception. The SOUL of a special species of monster called a "Boss Monster." A Boss Monster's SOUL is strong enough to persist after death...If only for a few moments. A human could absorb this SOUL. But this has never happened. And now it never will." Michael read as they walk pass it. Michael thought of a brotherly conversation with Daniel, nothing personal, but get to know Daniel more like he used to know him. He poke Daniel's shoulder, making Daniel to look at Michael with confusion. "So uh...Um...What do you usually do when you have free time?" Michael asked, getting bit nervous. Daniel's confusion grown, but answer. "I like to talk to Fredbear, like, he's my diary." Daniel responded, while Elizabeth walks up ahead with an umbrella, going through the rain as he carried Flowey. "Why are they taking so long?!" Flowey complained. "I don't know, but I'll stop when I think it's far enough." Elizabeth replied, walking. Then, she spotted MK in the corner, in the rain, alone. She walks up to him, made Flowey roll his eyes. Then, MK notices Elizabeth holding Flowey and the umbrella, fit of jealously spreads in. "Oh...Woohoo. Look at you, able to carry an umbrella and a stupid flower. All because you have arms!! Well then, go on. LAUGH!! LAUGH AT MY MISERY!!" MK shouted, sit there in the rain. "Elizabeth, let's the scram!" Flowey whispered, but Elizabeth denied. "You know, if you want, there's enough room for the three of us." Elizabeth replied, giving room of the umbrella for MK to be under. "I don't need your pity!!" MK shouted, looking away. Flowey groaned, as Elizabeth stood there, waiting for MK. MK growled as he stood up, walks up to Elizabeth. Elizabeth smiled, as she put the umbrella to cover the rain for MK. "This doesn't mean anything..." MK groaned, made Elizabeth silently giggled, since she knew that MK isn't that bad as a child. Michael and Daniel followed with he umbrella, noticing MK and Elizabeth walking together. "Ugh...The bully is back." Michael whispered, rolling his eyes, carried the umbrella for Daniel. "At least he's not hurting Elizabeth." Daniel replied. MK was quiet for a bit; Elizabeth decides to warm it up a little. "So, MK, what's your routine?" Elizabeth asked, smiling. MK was confused at first but responded. "Uh...I...walk alone, in this place sometimes...And steal Ice Screams when I'm hungry." MK explains little, having his stomach rubble. Elizabeth went to her inventory, pulled out Ice Cream. "Here, I've got one my own!" Elizabeth cheered. "Elizabeth! Don't waste that healing item for a useless monster!" Flowey whispered. MK expression wasn't surprise, more like thinking. "You realise I don't have arms..." MK angrily replied. "I know! I'm gonna feed it to you!" Elizabeth cheered, helping MK to eat it. "What!?" MK asked, shocked. "Aren't you hungry? I heard your tummy rubble." Elizabeth asked. MK turn his head away, trying to resist her kindness, but she's still holding out her Ice Cream, MK groaned as he bite the Ice Cream, melting the cream in his mouth. Mk groaned, trying to resist the sweetness, made Elizabeth giggle to see MK's resistance cute. Then, he took another bite, begins speaking. "This doesn't *munch* mean *munch* anything..." MK responded, still resisting. "Have some more, you must be really hungry" Elizabeth replied, as MK have another bite on the Ice Cream. MK thought of something stupid, didn't think before speaking. "Why are you here?" MK asked, realizing his response. "So, we can go to Hotland, that's where we'll meet someone" Elizabeth explained. "And who is this person you're gonna meet?" MK asked. "Sans the skeleton, he's gonna let us stay with him for a night." Elizabeth replied as MK took another bite with Ice Cream. "Sans? That killjoy? Ugh, why even go with him!?" MK asked, annoyed. "Well, before I found you here, my middle brother: Daniel, has breakdown. For the first time, Sans comforted Daniel, now, Daniel is stronger than ever!" Elizabeth cheered. "Breakdown? Dude, I don't go to school." MK replied, finishing the Ice Cream. "It's like depression and anxiety, like meltdown in the core, sometimes, if you trigger it, it'll be in attack mode, but it's only because your actions, they're afraid you'll harm them or been stalked, there's multiple reasons to be scared about. So, the only way to calm that down, we take things slow and steady, and not use any violent actions or shouting." Elizabeth explains. Flowey felt completely ignored. "And why should we take things slow?" MK asked, finding this "Only Way" bad idea. "It can lead the person to success! And stronger to know there's someone that care for them! It can grow more positive info!" Elizabeth cheered. "Can't we just stay silent and wait for it to go away!" MK complained. "Trust me on this one, if you don't get any treatment, it'll be a lot harder than you think! Staying speechless just means Silent Screams, it's like your trap in the same place, crying out for help in your mind, not in your voice. So, to me." Elizabeth wipe the cream off the corner of MK's mouth. "It's very important to get support from outside of the box, better than inside." Elizabeth replied, smiling. MK blinked, stopped walking as Elizabeth went ahead. Elizabeth stop as soon MK wasn't next to her. She looks back and saw MK, heads down, looking at the ground, in the rain. Elizabeth sadden, seeing MK in a metal illness. Michael and Daniel notices, Daniel look at Michael as he nodded. Michael walks over and covered the rain for MK, Daniel patted MK's back, MK was confused by this kindness, so new about this. "W-What is this stupid feeling!? Something he-heavy!" MK asked, feeling something weighting down in his chest. "It's your emotions, MK. Emotions group together, fear, anger, disgust, sadness and joy works together to help you feel something and not just emptiness." Michael explained. "But...I sometimes feel empty...Like, I'm—" "Missing a piece of a puzzle?" Flowey asked. They look at Flowey, surprise to hear what Flowey has said. "I...I mean—" "Yeah...That, it felt...uncomfortable." MK responded, sadden. "Tell us what's bothering you?" Michael asked, listening. MK barely speak, but hear his voice crying out for help. "It's...I...I don't even know...I'll try to find the reason." MK replied, barely crying. "If you are lying, it's okay, you can tell your family about your problems, or someone you are close to." Elizabeth replied, smiling. They stop walking as soon they saw a tall wall, which block their road. "Here, I'll help you three up" MK replied, get on his knees against the wall. "Wha—MK!" Elizabeth replied. "It's okay! I'll find you at the other side! We'll talk more" MK replied as he helped Daniel up, then Michael. "MK, please be careful" Elizabeth replied, look at MK in the eyes. "I...I will." MK replied, nodding. MK helps Elizabeth up to the wall, walking off to find another way to get to them. "I guess...I was a bit wrong about that guy" Flowey replied. "Sometimes, we don't just see bullies as enemies, some bullies has reasons to bully, it's either sick and take pleasure from pain or give others misery like how they are miserable." Michael explained, feeling MK's suffering. Michael wipes himself off the wet as Daniel read the two signs with his translate paper. "The humans, afraid of our power, declared war on us. They attacked suddenly, and without mercy." Daniel read, then spotted the Save Point, he pat it. "The serene sound of a distant music box...It fills you with Determination" Daniel carried Flowey for Elizabeth as he read the next sign. "In the end, it could hardly be called a war. United, the humans were too powerful, and us monsters, too weak. Not a single SOUL was taken, and countless monsters were turned to dust...That must've where they belief that us humans are invincible has come from, the brutal war." Daniel guessed. "I guess your right, c'mon guys, we got to continue before Undyne finds us" Michael replied. "Be careful! Cause, the next room is like a maze top and bottom." Flowey explained. "Oh great, a maze? I hate mazes" Michael groaned. "Because of that 1000 volts back at Snowdin?" Elizabeth giggled, made Michael annoyed. They walk out, feeling the light behind them, going halfway to the blue-planks path, then stopped once a red circle appear, then another one, then another one, then it surrounded them, STRIKE! Red spears struck up, as Undyne appears at the bottom of the blue planks! "RUN!" Michael shouted, they begin to run, avoiding her attacks. "DAMNIT! I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THIS WOULD HAPPEN!" Michael shouted in complains. "WELL! I'M RELATED!" Flowey shouted as they screamed, avoiding the big bad fish! "I HOPE MK IS OKAY!" Elizabeth shouted, worried for MK. "ELIZABETH! NO TIME TO THINK BAD FOR THAT BULLY! WE GOT TO ESCAPE FROM HER!" Michael shouted, as they head in groups in different direction, almost like in a car chase! Then, Daniel got a small scratch by the spear, made him fallen over as other run ahead. Michael notices, seeing Daniel beneath the red circle. "DANIEL!!" Michael shouted as he pushes Daniel out of the way, getting to be the target to get stab, his HP lows to 5. "MICHAEL!!" Daniel cried as he carried Michael out of the attacks, carrying him as they run. Elizabeth and Flowey waited for them while they regroup, they were in a large space, the attacks speed increases, cooked things harder for them. Manage across the large area, running to a small leading path, avoid her attacks twice. They stopped as soon it was a dead end. "Crap! We're dead! Dan! RESET! RESET RIGHT NOW!" Flowey shouted at Daniel. Daniel shaken if they really listening, Elizabeth isn't but for Michael, is. "Reset?" Michael asked. "You won't even remember it!" Flowey angrily shouted. Then, heavy footsteps sounded behind them, they turned to be face to face with the Head of the Royal Guard, redder, sharper, and tougher. "RESET GOD DAMNIT!" Flowey shouted, complaining on Daniel. "I-I-I do-don't know h-how!" Daniel cried, hugging his teddy bear. Then, Undyne strike her attacks to break up the bridge, which spread Elizabeth, Flowey, Michael and Daniel apart from each other. Damaged the pieces of the hold bridge, screaming their names in shock and loss, falling, down, down, down...

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