Chapter 14:USJ Part Three

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Third Person POV
Within the most of all the chaos stood one man crazier than my thought process. His name Tomura Shigaraki. "Hey Kurogiri where is All Might. The information we stole said he would be here, but all I see are, are, are these brats!" He complained to a Mist figure named Kurogiri. "I agree that All Might should be here but if you can't hurt him. Hurt his pride..." "Good idea Kurogiri." Then looking to the landslide Zone "If All Might isn't here I'll kill one of his students!" He said running to the one closest to him. A girl in a pink and black hero costume. "Hey Ice kid freeze him NOW!!!" Shouted Izuku as he threw a escrima stick at his temple. As the hit connected he fell very quickly and was trapped in ice except for his head. "Nice try. NOMU KILL THEM!!!" Then bird like creature approached them with a face that only a mother could love. "Hey try this on for size." Says Izuku as the begins clobbering the monster with in club in the brain. Though it had no affect as do to the fact that the monster was unaffected by the onslaught so with that the monster returned every hit with a great ferocious. Causing dust to rise up covering the two as Izuku's hood fell off. Just as the monster was about to deliver the final blow a portal opened. And coming out of it was a blur. It lifted the creature and made its presence known by showing itself. He looked as if he was a ghost rider but his skull looked like that of a dinosaur. He then killed the creature and took a transparent energy from him. He then went to Kurogiri and said "He is still alive in there so be prepared for your new roommate." He said as the mist from Kurogiri turned blue and spoke "It has been so long how did you free me?" Before turning back into Kurogiri. "What did you do?!" He asked. The man did not answer but instead then went to Izuku who was still unsee able from everyone else"Are you a ghost rider?" Asked Izuku, feeling the same heat and unearthly presence as he does around Dabi. "No, but kid you look like-!" That was all he said before disappearing into a portal with another like him pulling him, before he could finish what he was going to say.
Izuku POV
After he disappeared I pulled my hood down and then went to where Shigaraki was to only then smell blood coming from the where Kurogiri was. It was Eraser Head. The NOMU smashed his head. His heart beat was enough to indicate that he was alive. Kurogiri on ther other hand was having a rough day. (Kurogiri/Other voice) "I am in control. So do as I say. NO! I have been gone for too long. We will not hurt them!" The reminded me of a villain from a comic book with a dual personality and flipped a coin on all of his decisions. Then out of nowhere backup came. In the form of a god, vengeance, and an executioner. "I am Here!!!" It was All Might. Rev Rev. Then a flaming motorcycle came with two passengers. "Hey Dabi, hey Roy. Try not no kill anyone please." "We'll try." They responded simultaneously. Good now let's take care of the ground troops. They then went and took care of those left. As Kurogiri then regained his senses and took Shigaraki and the what was left of the NOMU and vanished.

The Man With No Fear:DevilDekuNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ