Chapter 4 Karaoke

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A/N:After the last chapter I felt compelled to write this one as soon as possible. I don't own this song
Karen POV
"I walked into the subway for a interview with the student who had fought and had been saved by the Devil Deku. After meeting him outside of the subway station to find his reasoning for fighting the Devil of Hell's Kitchen. He said it's part of an assignment for his heroics class to capture him. I was shocked someone would be foolish enough to fight him alone with no backup. I then went down the stairs to meet with detective sergeant Brett Mahoney who is leading the investigation of the vigilante Devil Deku because of  orders from the higher ups. "Hello "sarge"" I say to him. Sarge is the nickname Matt, Foggy, Izuku, and me call him from time to time. "Hello Karen what do you need this time for the New York Bulletin." He ask. "Just a comment. How does this affect the relations between the vigilante Devil Deku and the police department." I asked knowing that it just wouldn't change relations even though he saved the life of a aspiring hero. "Well slightly less heat will be on him from us but U.A. is currently having a assignment for students in their hero classes to capture him." Brett says, and with that I have a story to write.
Matthew POV
"Earlier today Karen went to her other job besides working here at Murdocks and Nelson to help out with a file organize day. She basically used her reporting job as a way to get out of helping me and Foggy.". "At least Izuku is helping." I say as Izuku is organizing case files that we used against Fisk awhile back when he was the Kingpin. "I'm only helping because one I'm an intern here and two I need a alibi in for later." He said with a rising heartbeat. "Is it a girl." I asked bluntly. His rising heartbeat indicated I was right. "If it is just make sure you don't make the same mistakes I made when I was the Daredevil." I say only for Foggy to intervene. "Mistakes, if I remember correctly you allowed use to think you died when a building collapsed on you for how long again." he says. "You'll never let me live it down will you." I say with him having a snarky comment. "When Frank Castle stops being the Punisher and when that spider stops making fun of people who want to kill him." he says knowing that those things will probably never happen. "By the way kid how's that tank I gave you is it working." I ask because the tank I gave him was a water tank. It keeps the outside noise quiet at a normal humans level which has allowed me and Izuku to sleep like normal people. He also has a bed just in case if he needs to rest in one to properly heal really terrible injuries. Like one time a sword went through his chest lucky he survived but in case the stitch opened up he sleep in a bed, not wanting to wake up in a pool of his own blood. "It's working just fine." he say. Then to tease him I ask "So what's her name.". "What's it matter she has no way of contacting me except for Kachan who is right outside."(I thought the name was Katchan not Kacchan some reason) I then smelled nitroglycerin like sweat outside and from Izuku told me it's him. Then a loud voice calls out catching me by surprise. "HEY DEKU!!!" he shouts.
Izuku POV
"Hello Kacchan what do you need." I ask. "Need to know where to go for karaoke that's not crawling with muggers, rapist, and that's good because a few friends of mine are heading out but don't know were to go and after a group of friends nearly got kidnapped or mugged not sure we would like to ask a person who's lived in the kitchen a lot longer." I was admittedly surprised he came to a blind man for help. "Well you're asking for a tall order but there is one place and villains don't go there anymore and it has karaoke." I say. "What's the name of the place." Kacchan asked. "Well when owned by villains it was called the bar with no name but now it's called Hell's karaoke club it allows minors just doesn't serve alcohol unless your 21 and with a group or with another person so nobody walks away alone drunk." I say. "Sounds like a good place though you're coming my friends have been asking about you and I can't stand raccoon eyes questions any longer." he says while being direct and blunt. Two hours later I walked to the HKC and ten I notice Kacchan and his group. A boy with a raven head with an elevated heart beat he became close to a frog like girl and vise versa a uptight blue haired boy. A boy with adnormal body temperature and a black haired girl that like the frog girl had a elevated heart beat near the cold and hot boy and a boy with red dye in his hair, a yellow black hair kid with a lot of electric energy around him a pink haired and skinned girl, and then a purple haired girl with earphone jacks coming from her ear lobes. Then her a chocolate haired girl I had met earlier and she was surprised I was here. "Hi Deku." Kacchan said. "Wait isn't his name Izuku." Ochaco replied. "Well Kacchan here calls me Deku, you guys can call me that to but it's kid of funny because of the Devil Deku vigilante ain't it." I said. "OMG you're right!" said the pink girl. "Sorry who are you." I asked "My name is Mina Ashido." "Hello sir my name is Tenya Iida." "My name is Fumikage Tokoyami." "My name is Tsuyu Asui, but everyone calls me Tsu." "Hello my name is Eijiro Kirishima." "My nam is Kyoka Jiro." "My name is Denki Kaminari." "Hello my name is Shoto." "Hello my name is Momo Yaoyorozu." (Please tell me I didn't leave anyone out it hurt to write their names from memory) "By the way sir why are you wearing sunglasses it's sundown." Tenya ask. "I'll show you I say as I take them off and shock everyone but Kacchan and Ochaco.

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