We Need Makeovers?

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It's really not the biggest compliment and boost of self-confidence when someone tells you that you don't look good enough.


 "Uhhhhh....?"  Reyna questioned.

"Give us a minute, will you?" Hylla said.

"Sure, dear. Just don't run off"

Hylla gripped her arm and dragged her far enough so that 'C.C' couldn't hear them.

"Do you see that yacht? We have got to go."

"It could be a trap, you know. And we cannot move wherever she's taking us! I've lived here my whole life. I don't want to go. Our friends, our school, everything!

"Well, Does she have a motive? I don't think so. She was looking for employees, which means we can earn some money as starters, and then find someplace to live. We aren't gonna go forever, okay? maybe just two years. Once that's done, we could come back here, to San Juan, and find a permanent, stable job that we aren't too young for, and live happily. We can't miss this."

"I just lost Dad, even though he was horrible, he's my father. He is the reason we exist, Hylla. I don't want to lose my home too," Reyna said, holding back her tears.

"Girls! it's been a while! are you both coming, or not?" There was something commanding in her voice that Reyna couldn't quite put her finger upon.

Hylla took a deep breath and looked at Reyna. She tried her best not to meet Hylla's eyes. They couldn't just leave, could they? they'd made so many memories, happy and sad, and all of them were so special to Reyna. She couldn't comprehend why Hylla would-

"Yes. yes, we are coming."

"Lovely. Come on aboard."

As they walked towards the yacht, Reyna hung her head low. Would her mother approve of this? Her mother had left their family once Hylla was born, and came back for a while. Then after Reyna was born, she left again. She remembered little to nothing about her mother, but from what Hylla remembered and told her, she was a wonderful person.

"Rey! come on!"

She walked up to the railing and rested her palms on the cool metal. The yacht slowly started moving further and further away. She gazed into the distance, at her home. A small tear rolled down her cheekbones and splashed onto the railing.

Hylla looked at her, clearly concerned. "Rey? you alright?"

She couldn't take it anymore. She broke down in tears. All the frustration, anger, and sadness cooped up in her for the past twelve years came out in one large sob. 

"Hey! No, no, no, Rey! Don't cry! Is this because we're leaving San Juan?" She pulled Reyna into a hug.

"It'll be alright, Rey. Maybe a few years of hard work, but then we'll be back in San Juan! This is hard for me too. Well, look on the bright side! We're getting paid 800$ per month!  And we get to live there for free! It'll be okay. We're together right? We'll get through this," she smiled softly.

Reyna took a ragged breath and nodded. Why was she the emotional one of the two? It really was unfair.


The next morning, the two of them awoke to a loud horn blasting through the vehicle.

They got dressed and headed out the door.

"Ah! You two are up! Ooh, you're morning avatar isn't so pleasing, is it?" She grimaced "Anyways, you'll be getting a makeover, as soon as we head home," C.C smiled, almost wickedly.


"Yes, honey. In order to make our employees look presentable, we give them a complimentary, permanent makeover! Don't worry, nothing painful."

"So you're trying to say we don't look good enough?" Hylla asked.

"If I could say that nicely, I would. Now, we're almost here, so pack up whatever you unpacked last night, and I'll see you both on the deck!"

They started walking towards their room.

"Makeovers? What does she mean by that? And permanent?"

"No idea," Hylla pulled open the door.

They picked up their stuff, which really was nothing except for their watches, and headed back out to the deck.

"Back already? Good. We're here!"

Heyy! I know I said that I would be posting longer, less frequent chapters, but this was a random bonus one that I decided to post :)  The actual, longer one will be out on Sunday! Hope you somewhat enjoyed it!❤️

A/NHeyy! I know I said that I would be posting longer, less frequent chapters, but this was a random bonus one that I decided to post :)  The actual, longer one will be out on Sunday! Hope you somewhat enjoyed it!❤️

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Love you!
Sim xx

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