[book 1] chapter twenty-seven: the birds & the bees

Start from the beginning

    "Stab him!"


    He slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand. "With your sword."

    "Oh." I pressed a bunch of random buttons before my avatar finally stabbed someone. Judging by the look on my brother's face it appeared I managed to screw up that simple task.

    "You killed me!" he screeched.


    "You fu—"


    "—dging moron," he finished.

    I raised my eyebrows. "Fudging, huh?"

    "Don't tell Mom," he pleaded. "I didn't mean it!"

    I rolled my eyes at him. Video games really did bring out the worst in today's youth. "I'm going to go upstairs," I informed him as I dropped the controller.

    "Good," he grumbled, clearly fed up from playing with me. I shook my head at Alex as I walked up the stairs. I was just about to enter my room when I heard a gasp. "Alex, are you okay?" I called.

    "Stop distracting me," was his snarky response.

    I heard another gasp, making me jump. If it wasn't Alex, then who was it? "Brent?" No answer. "Mom?" Nothing. "Niko?" 

    Even though none of them were home I thought I'd test my luck but I didn't get any responses. I didn't want to assume there was an intruder again and make an idiot out of myself so I silently crept down the hall, listening for the noise.

    "Keep it down," a voice said but it was too faint for me to recognize.

    I tiptoed closer to the sound, passing Alex and Niko's bedrooms. I stopped in front of Brenton's room where I heard more hushed voices. I really didn't want to traumatize myself like last time so I knocked on the door and waited for a response. The voices immediately stopped and no one replied. I didn't want to jump to conclusions but had that been my brother he would've answered. That meant whoever was inside really was an intruder...  I twisted the doorknob and barged in only to find myself getting scarred all over again. Brenton was busy getting some action in his bed and although our parents used to give us buddy baths when we were kids, I could have lived a long life without seeing his buddy again. Brenton grabbed a pillow to cover his...you know, and normally I would've ran for the hills and splashed soap water in my eyes but I couldn't move. It was like my feet were drilled into the ground and I was momentarily paralyzed. Now I didn't go into shock because of the disturbing sight of my twin's naked body. Rather, I was more fixated on the girl beside him. She was hiding under his blanket but I could spot that cheaply dyed hair anywhere.

    "Brenton Wilhelm Parker," I said very slowly, knowing if I allowed myself to show a hint of emotion I would castrate him with my bare hands. "Why is my best friend in your bed?"

    "This is Kayley," he corrected.

    I clenched my hands into fists and felt my nails digging into my palms. "First of all her name is Katy, you inattentive buffoon. Second, Amber if you don't show your face right now I swear to God I will yank out your extensions with my damn teeth like a rabid canine." So much for staying cool, calm and collected. I was ready for war now and I didn't care who I hurt. I was perfectly fine with skinning both of them alive.

    My supposed best friend slowly revealed her face, her cheeks redder than her hair. "Dani, I can explain."

    Brenton rolled his eyes. "You don't need to explain anything."

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