A/N: please read!

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hi everyone! i'm sorry this isn't a chapter update but hopefully i can finish the one i've been writing. but i want to be honest with you all. i haven't really been motivated at all to finish this story. when i originally began writing this story, i was so excited to write this. i had it all planned out and knew how the storyline was going to go. but now i'm just lost. i don't know where to keep the story going nor how long should i keep the story going.

so i'm asking help from my readers to finish this story. i don't want to leave you on a cliffhanger and never get to know where the story goes. i want to give "stuck in the diaz family" an actual, genuine ending. if you would like to help me out, please direct message me. you can send me a general idea of the next chapter(s) or send me the next chapter(s) all written out. or even write half and i'll fill in the rest. i'll leave it up to you and of course, i'll definitely give you credit for your amazing work.

so with that, thank you for sticking around. it really means a lot to me. i never thought this book can get this far. i just suddenly one day had an idea of a storyline and thought of making a fanfic out of it. never thinking it would be read by so many people that enjoy it. so hopefully when you hear from me again, it will be a chapter update.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2020 ⏰

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