FIVE//Just For You

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Ethan's P.O.V
Today I decided to wake up early to think about what to do with Melanie today. I want to keep things simple but I don't really know what. I'll just ask Harley or Rachel, they must know what I can do. But before that, I am going to need some breakfast. I saw Melanie on the couch sleeping. She looked so peaceful and really enjoyed it which I'm guessing she didn't have in a long time. I grabbed some cereal, milk, and a bowl.

Mom's P.O.V
I woke up and checked on the kids. All seven are up except for one. Melanie. I didn't want to wake her. She looked like she needed her sleep. I guess she hadn't had a nice rest in a while. I walked over and fixed her blanket. I walked toward the kitchen and saw it was a mess. Before bed, I cleaned up but knowing my kids. It's bound to get ruined. I saw Ethan right away making something in the kitchen,

"Ethan, what are you doing?"

"Just making breakfast for myself and Melanie."

"Aww that's so sweet. But why aren't you making breakfast for your brothers and sisters, and why is it so messy here?"

"First, that's way too much work to do to make food for them and I want to be nice for Melanie. It's messy because I want to make Melanie's breakfast extra special and good."

"Alright, but can you at least clean up a little."


I went to the fridge to make food for my six other babies.

Ethan's P.O.V

I cleaned up the kitchen a bit and went to the living room to check on Melanie. She started to wake up.

"Good morning Mel."

"Morning but don't call me Mel." She said sleepily.

"Sorry, I just want to let you know to go get yourself ready and I made breakfast just for you."

"Alright and thanks." Melanie passed by me with a small smile on her face.

She left and went to prepare to serve her food.

Melanie's P.O.V

I went upstairs to the bathroom but the door was locked. So I waited.

"Morning Harley."

"Morning Mel."

"Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah sure, what's up?

"When I woke up, Ethan told me he made breakfast just for me and not for your siblings. I feel like something is up, should I be worried?"

"No not at all, maybe he is just being nice." Harles said suspiciously. Right after she finished her sentence, the door unlocked and out came out Daphne. I went in to go wash up.

Harley's P.O.V

Oh my god, one of the first signs that shows Ethan likes a girl. He starts being nicer and does things just for them. Or maybe he wants to make Mel's welcome a little special. I need to find out from him. I walk downstairs and say good morning to everyone. I saw that Ethan was finishing up Melanie's breakfast. I walked over to him and saw he was making some toast, eggs, and bacon.

"I see you're making breakfast, can I have some Ethan?" He perked up when he saw me.

"Nope, this is for Melanie." I stared at him and raised my eyebrows.

"Okay fine, I made it because I want to get Melanie's attention. I think I like her."

"Okay I got it, but remember what I said. You can't rush things, Mel never felt love and compassion for a while. You need to grow into those feelings."

"And this is why you my bftf. (best friend in the family)." He smiles at me."Also, I want to do something with her. What should I do?"

It took me a while to think of something simple that Ethan and Melanie can do. Then the park came up.

"What about the park? It's simple and great place to hang out."

"Okay, can you come with me though? To make things less awkward and suspicious."

"Sure, anything for my bftf."

Ethan glanced up and saw Mel come in and sit at the dining table. He walked over to give her breakfast. I walked over and sat down.

"Thanks Ethan." Mel said.

"So... Mel, we were wondering do you want to go to the park today with us after breakfast?" I questioned.

"Yeah sure."

Ethan started to grin and glared him a face that said "stop it". His face slowly went back to normal.

An hour later...

We told mom that we were going to the park and started to leave. We walked and Ethan started to make small talk to Melanie. The conversation stopped till what we saw at the park.

Sorry to leave you at a cliff hanger but I need to drag out this chapter because I need some ideas on this story. Love ya and make sure to press that star button to show some love .

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