SIX//Hi Ethan

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A/N: I decided to change the P.O.Vs. Instead of having first person point of view and keep switching to every person. I'm changing it to just Melanie's point of view. Hope you like it that way, it's just annoying to constantly switching it. Enjoy the chapter :)
Melanie's P.O.V
Once we got to the park. The siblings froze in place, I was curious of why the two suddenly stopped.

"Ethan, is that Laura?" Harley questioned her brother

"I think it is and she is with Annie." He whispered.

"Harles, why is that so bad?" I asked her.

"Umm.. Laura and Ethan used to date. And Annie had a huge crush on Ethan, so she asked him out and he rejected her." She whispered to me.

"Oh..." is all that came out of my mouth.

The two girls began to walk over towards us.

"Hi Ethan." One of the girls said all flirty and biting her lip.

"Hey Laura." Ethan responded to Laura awkwardly.

Laura began to take her hand and slowly touch the boy's arm. But he flinched quickly, resulting the girl to back away.

The two began chatting, while Harley took me over to the swings to talk.

"I'm sorry you had to see that Mel." Harley apologized.

"It's fine, it's nothing you can stop."

We began to talk about random things until Ethan walked over to us.

"Hey guys, Laura finally left." He sat in the swing next to me and he seemed exhausted.

"I'm hungry, should we get something to eat?" I tried to break the awkward silence and the sound of the swings.

"Yeah sure let's go." Harley said while getting off the swing.

As I got off the swing, Ethan got off too and placed his hand on my shoulder. "Melanie, could i ask you something?"

"Yeah, what's up?" I gave him a concerned look. I was unsure of what he was about to ask me.

"Umm... I don't know how to put this but I'm going to be straightforward with you. Ever since you came into our family, I have liked you  like a lot." He began to chuckle. "Maybe even love you. Your story and everything you have been through in your life, made me like you more because to see how strong and amazing you are. As well as your talented, skillful art skills. The list can go on of why I like you but I do."

I was in complete shock but feel so loved right now. I didn't know what to say, I never felt any feelings toward this boy until now.

"Ethan, I don't know what to say. I never felt this love before and I don't want to hurt because of it." When I saw his eyes, I seen a bit of hurt but I can't lie to him. "But...

Sorry this chapter is so short and took so long to update, I had writer's blockage. Anyway hope you liked it and make sure to vote and comment :)

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