TWO// Really?!

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Mom/Suzy's P.O.V

"Hi, what are you doing for your booth?"

"Umm... hi, I am drawing portraits, would you want one?" She awkwardly said.

"Yes." I nudged Tom to sit with me to do the portrait drawing. We both sat down and posed for the girl to draw.

I didn't want to have awkward silence, so I started a little conversation, "Whats your name Miss?"

"The name is Melanie. What your name Mrs?" This girl is very polite, nicer than my own kids. I wish the kids were like Melanie.

"You don't have to call us politely but I'm Suzy Diaz and this is my husband Tom."

"Nice to meet you Suzy and Tom. What brings you to the fair today?"

"Well, every once a year, we bring our seven kids and let them have fun playing the games and rides."

"Wow, seven kids. You two have handful."

"You got that right. Why are you here Melanie working a booth?"

"Well first of all, I don't have money and I like to draw, so I thought I could make some extra cash by drawing to get some food. I'm working this booth on my own because I don't have parents, they died when I was young. So yeah that's basically why I am working a booth on my own. Oh and yeah I basically gave you my life story at the same time."

Melanie's story just hit me. I feel so bad that a young girl has to deal with this and live on her own. While she was drawing, I thought about it for some time and maybe we should let her live with us for a while. But that means another mouth to feed and another kid to take care of. Then again Melanie seems like a very well-behaved, polite, and kind girl.  I started to ask Tom about this.

I whispered, "Tom, I was thinking I feel bad for Melanie. What she has to deal with and stuff. Maybe we can let her stay with us for a while. I know its another kid to take care of but she is nice and polite. What do you think?"

"Yeah sure, that sounds like a great idea. I think this made us better people." My husband agreeing with my plan.

"And done." Melanie said showing us our portrait.

"We love it. You are very talented Melanie." I complemented her.

"Thank you Suzy. This will $15 but since you're nice people, I give it to for $10."

"Oh yeah sure." I handed her $20 bill instead. "Keep the change."

"Alright thank you very much."

"Umm... Melanie before we go, we want to ask you something."


"We wondering, would you like to stay with us for sometime? We feel really bad with what you have to go through in order to live." I asked her.

"Really? I don't want to intrude and its another kid you have to take care of. "

"We insist Melanie. We would really like to have you stay with us."

"Oh okay than if you insist, I guess I will stay with you for a while. But I need to finish up this last customer."

"Alright, we won't leave anyway until the kids are done playing with the games."

Melanie's P.O.V

Wow, somebody actually cared about my problems, I was thinking while working on this little girl's portrait. Suzy and Tom are very nice people to allow a kid that they barely know to stay in their home. I just wish everyone is like that, yeah I would get their change on the streets which is kind but I wish kind enough to let a homeless girl get a nice meal and place to stay.

I broke my thoughts when the girl asked if I have finished yet. "Almost, I need to finish your hair and you can go home with your drawing."

"Okay." She said happily. As I was working on the hair of the drawing, I had so many thoughts running through my mind. What if their kids don't like me? What if....

I finished the portrait and asked the little girl to come and look.

"You like?" I asked.

"Like? I love it." She excited said.

"Alright, can you go get your mommy?" She ran off to get her mother.

"Hi ma'am, here is your daughter's portrait." I handed it to her.

"Thank you very much and I love it." As she hands me a $20 bill. "Keep the change."

"Thank you." I smiled to her.

I started to clean up my booth. Putting my art supplies back in my bag and returning the chairs and table I borrowed. I went back to the lady to inform her that I finished my booth and started to look for Suzy and Tom.

I don't really pay attention to the games that the fair have but they look like a lot of fun. I finally found Suzy after a good 5-8 minutes.

"Hi Suzy, I finished up my booth."

"Alright Melanie, the kids are done anyways. Oh and let me introduce them." Seven kids started to come over.

"This is Rachel." pointing to the tall, older girl. "Georgie." Pointing to the girl with curly hair. "Ethan." Pointing to the older boy. "Harley." Pointing to a girl that was around my age. "Lewie and Beast." Pointing to two young boys. "And Daphne." Pointing to a little girl with doll that has a lot of makeup.

"Kids, this is Melanie and she will be staying with us for while." I waved to them.

"Ughh... another kid. Just shoot me already." Rachel said. And with that I knew already I'm not going to be liked so much by these kids.

"Hey Melanie, don't worry about her. She is usually like that, sassy and rude." Harley came over and told me.

"Thanks." So far I think Harley and I are going to get along just fine.

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