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Marisol could hear. The birds outside the window were loud, and her boys were gurgling in their cribs. Marisol could feel. She could feel the fabric of her dress against her thighs. Marisol could taste. She could taste the mint from her tea. Marisol could smell. She could smell the baby powder in the room.

She couldn't see, though, and strangely...she was alright. She was alright to give her sight for the birth of three healthy and beautiful babies. Still, it sucked. She could hear Grey lean against the wall, and she turned, smiling toward him as best as she could.

"What are they doing?"

"Our girl is sleeping, soundly, even as her brothers yawn. The boys have their eyes open, but they look sleepy because they're yawning. They're swaddled right now. They're slowly going back to sleep."

"We need names," she sighed.

"We'll figure them out, promise," he whispered into her ear. She sighed softly in his embrace. It felt like she only got moments of peace before the war infiltrated her head. She found herself doubting her happiness because it was fleeting. Maybe he'd die, maybe she wouldn't spend her human life with her mate.

"Do you think you'll win?"

"Yes. That Alpha is filled with hatred and greed; I have you and our family. I have to."

Marisol was allowed to attend. She was allowed to watch. But what mate would want to watch their mate beat someone to death, or even worse, get beat to their death? He wanted her there; he said it would give him strength, but she refused. She couldn't do that to herself.

But as she sat alone in their home, her stomach sank, and she realized that she was strong. She survived abuse, disability, and discrimination. Not only did she survive, but she thrived. Greyson didn't want her there; he needed her there. He needed to know that she was by his side no matter what, just like he was for her.

Abigail gently held her hand as she led her through the amass of crowd. The babies were left with Samantha who was more than thrilled to have some alone time. Marisol had to take a breath and remind her that the world wouldn't make her go through so much shit just to be alone forever.

She saw nothing but felt everything. She could feel the intensity between her pack and the other. She could feel the rage between the wolves as she walked through the crowd. They must have gotten to the front because all she felt was the sun on her skin, but that momentary joy vanished as she heard the thick sound of bone cracking.

She didn't know who it was. She didn't want to know.

After moments of the terrifying unknown, a bell rang and she heard Abigail gasp beside her. "What? Abigail, what happened?"

"H-he won."


"Yes, Marisol! He won!"

As Greyson came to her, she threw herself into his arms only to hear him wince. "Oh, God, I'm sorry. You must be so hurt. I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, Marisol. I'm fine."

"You better be," she whispered whole-heartedly.

As Greyson laid on her chest, she ran a gentle hand through his hair. She smiled, hearing his steady breaths. He was awake. She could tell by how his hold on her shirt tightened and released.

"I've decided on the names."

"I thought you weren't sure–"

"You know, before you left today, I was sitting near the nursery, and I heard one of them giggle. He reminded me of you. We can name our son Greyson, II like you dreamt of, and the other boy, Chrystian, spelled with a y so I can have some form of flare," she smiled.

Fill Me, AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now