Finally christmas

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This is Nathan you will meet later in the chapter
(Harrys p.o.v.)
"Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake up" I hear Niall say shaking me and I open my eyes smiling "it's Christmas harry" Niall says and I laugh getting up "i know" I say seeing every one else awake as well." Merry Christmas" I say "merry Christmas" they all say and we decide to clean up and make break fast.....well I make it while they all talk and sit at the table.

"Come get your plates" I say grabbing mine and nialls and I sit down and set his down and we start eating "damn this is good" louis says and I smile "thanks" I say taking a smile bite." come on harry eat more than that" liam says and I sigh taking a normal size bite it them but a huge bite to me "there happy" I say "yes very happy" liam says and I roll my eyes and niall laughs.

"I'm so happy I love Christmas soooooo much" Niall says all jumpy and I laugh "we knew babe" Zayn says pecking his lips "have i been saying it a lot" he asks." yes" we all say and he blushes and stuffs his face with food and we all laugh "God your so cute" Zayn says and I fake gag and liam and Louis laugh "shut up" Zayn says kissing niall and he kisses back "guys come in not here" louis says and they pull away "you taste like syrup" Zayn says and we laugh.

"So when my mum gets back were packing everything up and heading to the hospital so we can spend it with lottie and zach" louis says "oh yay" niall says and I smile shaking my head."your really happy today" i state "I know it's just we get to spend Christmas together all 5 of us that's never happened before, and Zayn's my boyfriend and louis here im just really happy" he says with a big smile on his face.

"Well it's great seeing you happy" I say and he nods eating some more "wait the hospital, w-were spending it there" liam says and louis nods."liam I know this whole you and Joseph thing is going really bad but, I need to spend this with my sister and you guys" louis says "so can you please just come" he adds and liam nods "thank you" louis says "your lucky I love you" liam says with a smile and louis laughs "damn right you better love me" he says and I shakes my head getting up.

"Where are you going" Zayn asks "to the bathroom" I say leaving to the bathroom in my bed room and I lock the door, I pull up my sleeves and take off my bracelets." damn it" I say seeing my cuts reopened so I run it under cool water it stings a little but hey I never said I didn't like the pain "harry are you okay you've been in there for a while" Liam says "y-yeah I'm fine" I say.

"Open the door" he says sternly and I do and he comes in and closes the door behind him "harry" he says seeing the cuts "I didn't cut right now i swear they just reopened" I say." why" he says "cause gem's gone, I can't second christmas with her cause some girl shoved fucking peanuts down her throat and killed her, so I'm depressed right now and I don't have any of those depression pills and my regular pills aren't working" I say crying.

"Why didn't you tell us" he says "cause I didn't want to bother you guys" I say "harry what's the real reason" he says and I sit down on the toilet." cause I wanted to try to fix things in my own but as you can see I can't" I say wrapping up my wrists putting my bracelets on and pull down my sleeves, and I walk out of the bathroom and liam follows me and I see everybody in my room.

"Harry you could've came to us when you realized that you couldn't do this on your own" Zayn says "cause I felt that I shouldn't dealt with this on my own cause it's my sister" I say. "this was supposed to be a happy day" niall says pouting and I walk over to him "hey hey" I say lifting up his chin "it will be okay" I say and I walk to the bathroom and grab every single blade I have.

"Here" i say handing him all the blades "take them" I say and he smiles "this is a big step harry" he says and I nod "i know" I say and we get up and head down stairs. he throws out the blades and we all get ready and I find myself in front of the mirror hating everything about my self "hey you ready" louis says and I turn around to face him and nod "good lets get going" he says drawing me to the car.

My drug *UP FOR REVISIONS*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن