Say your just a friend

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(Liam's p.o.v.)

"Where are they" I ask "I don't know I thought Louis and Harry would be here by now" Zayn says "hey guys" Harry says walking up with Louis.

" guys where were you" Niall asks "we took Gemma to eat breakfast" Louis says "Oh crap I have to go finish a test for math" Harry says "and I have to talk to Lottie" Louis says.

"bye guys" they say "bye boo-bear" Harry says "bye hazza" Louis says and they peck each other on the lips and walk opposite ways

"Did that just happen" Niall asks "are they like dating now" I ask "I feel like they would tell us" Zayn says "okay erm lets talk to them at lunch yeah" I say and they nod.

"I should get going to class before the bell rings bye Liam bye babe" he says kissing Zayn and leaves "so how are you guys" I ask him.

" great it's amazing Liam" he says and I smile "I'm happy to see my brother happy" I say "shut up" he says closing his locker "now lets get to class" I say and we leave.

(Harry's p.o.v.)

It happened we kissed I don't know how or why but we kissed I'm so happy right now I probably got every question on the test wrong but I'm too happy to care right now.

" Harry Edward styles we are talking" Niall says and I laugh "yes Niall horan" I say "you two kissed" he whispers "yeah I know" I say.

"Are you guys like dating" he asks "no-yes-well I don't know I wish but sadly I don't believe so" I say "do you want to be with him" he asks.

" duh" I say "wow this is crazy Harry what are you going to do" he asks "I don't know" I say looking down messing with my bracelets.

"Well maybe you two can go out on like a date" he says "Niall don't do anything okay I doubt he likes me like that and you can just make it worse" I say.

" okay Harry I won't" he says and I smile "thanks ni" I say and be smiles and the teacher walks in so we face the board " Harry styles may I talk to you out side please" she asks and I nod and walk into the hallway.

"Harry we here because well the school has been informed that your cutting" she says and my eyes go wide " we would like it if you would see a therapist-" "no no no no I can't no please just forget it and lets go back to class" I say "Harry sweetie were just TRYIG to help" she says.

"Stop trying I'm fine I swear" I say "but-" "NO BUTS IM FINE OKAY" I yell and she stumbles back and I look around and see every one surrounding us.

" Harry just breath" she says "DINT TELL ME WHAT TO DO" I hell again making her fall when I got to close "HARRY STOP" Liam yells and I step back.

"What got into you today you took your pills" Zayn says "she wants me to see a therapist I dot want to I can't please don't make me" I say crying.

" he's a attention seeker" one girl says now they are all saying rude things and I drop to my knees "dude just stop we all know your faking it" josh says "stop being rude to me" I yell.

"Shut the fuck up" Logan says "leave him alone" Niall says helping me up "what did you say" josh says "I said leave him alone" Niall says standing I front of me.

it all happens too fast and I see Niall on the floor holding his face and Liam and Sophia holding Zayn back it's like everything is in slow motion and I look up at josh and he's laughing and I push him back.

"Don't touch me" josh says and I jump on him and hit him "YOU DONT LAY A FINGER ON MY BROTHER YOU PIECE OF SHIT" I yell at him and Logan pulls me off of him.

I turn around and push him into the lockers and hold him up by his shirt "don'" I say to him and he nods rapidly and I throw him to the floor.

My drug *UP FOR REVISIONS*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang