Im here

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(NIALLS p.o.v.)

It's now Monday but none of us go to school, I mean would you if you had that rough night of your friend trying to kill himself twice.

Louis never leaves his side even though he says it's all his fault and Harry should break up with him but of corse Harry never responded.

"Louis" I say walking into the room and he just simply nods and I make Louis get up and look at me "Louis I know this is hard okay but moping around isnt gonna make anything better" I say.

" but it's my fault" he says "but nothing this isn't your fault DOYOU want him to get better" I ask and he nods "then show it be positive about this a little yeah" I say and be nods and I pull him into a hug.

"Okay now why don't you and I go get some ice cream" I say and he shakes his head and grabs Harry's hand and sits down "no he's gonna wake up and when he does I will be here right next to him I owe him that" he says and I sigh.

"I'll go get the ice cream" I say "mint chocolate chip" he says "with extra chocolate chips" I say and he smiles "our favorite" he says and I laugh "I mean it is amazing" I say walking away.

I wish he would go out he's afraid to leave him he showers in the bathroom there it's sad if you ask me, he's so in love with him he's afraid to leave him alone for one second he thinks he's gonna fade away if he's not with him.

"2 mint chocolate chips with extra chocolate chips" I say and the lady smiles and I hand her the money and she hands me the ice cream and I walk back to Harry's room.

"Here's your ice cream sir" I say and be laughs taking it and says it with the spoon and I say mine "so good" we say in sync and we laugh.

" god I haven't had this in forever I forgot how much I loved it" I say and be rises his eye brow "what you didn't eat it at all I mean I know why I didn't but why didn't you" he asks.

"Cause it was a snack we are together and I felt bad when I are it with our you 4 years ago so I refused to eat it" I say and he pouts "well now we can eat as much as we want" he says with a big smile.

"Your smiling" I say and he laughs "yeah I am, I guess I needed that thanks nialler" he says and I smile wide and go and jump on his lap.

" your a amazing person Lou-Lou" I say as we eat our ice cream and we hear some one knock on the door and we look up and see Joseph.

"Hey guys" he says taking my old seat "hey joseph" we both say "the storm won't seem to go away won't it" be says bouncing his knee up and down.

" yeah I heard it might last a good week or so" Louis says and he nods "where's Liam" I ask "oh he's still at my place he kind of cried alot and bad a rough night he's still sleeping I believe" he says and I nod.

"I wish I could sleep" Louis says and I caress his cheek "shhh" I say and he nods and I press a kiss to his temple "what did we talk about no negativity" I say and he nods and puts a obviously forced smile on his face.

"Eat your ice cream and take off that fake smile" I say and he chuckles and I grab his spoon and feed him some ice cream "you guys are close aren't you" Joseph asks and we nod "were all close in our own ways well he's like my older brother" I say and Joseph nods.

I remember I could have sworn I knew Louis before I said I seen him when I was little but be informed me that we've never met and I just gave into it.

I still have I feeling I know Louis from somewhere I just can't put my finger on it but I know I've seen Louis some where else.

"Louis do you want to go to the movies with me" I ask and he shakes his head "why not" I ask "you know why Niall" he says and I stand up feeling hurt.

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