"Do I have to remind you who's in charge?" Theo asked as he held up his other hand with his phone in it - knowing full well that he had the power over Blair it was boasted his ego of being able to get her to play along in his plans with just a simple device.

"Do I have to remind you who's afraid of who here? I don't need other men to threaten people to make you afraid of me, Raeken. I can do that all by myself. Now, unless you have anything else important to tell me - I have things to do and this conversation isn't one of them." Blair tried to tell Theo as she tried to shake his grip off as he placed her back in front of him to tell her the last thing that he had found out recently.

"But, there's something else you should know before you go out there." Theo announced Blair, feeling her heart start to race a little bit faster in fear of Theo finding out about Isaac being back already. Blair desperately wanting to cover for her best friend as long as she could. There was three people in this world that could inspire the fear Blair had in her body right now and that was Derek, Isaac, and Stiles. Although, she didn't admit it often - the safety of the three meant more than her than she could possibly began to explain to anyone.

"Scott's with Kira, now. I just wanted to prepare you for when you do go back." Theo told Blair as he watched her facial expressions show some shock before she covered it back up. Blair nodding her head as he started to walk away from her. Blair was processing the information but her mind stayed pinned on the one fact that Scott had waited to hear she was supposedly dead to move on without any guilt staring him in the face.

"Why did you want me to know?" Blair asked as she broke the silence since Theo telling her before anything else happened seemed like a nice move to prepare her for the shock rather than surprising her with it out of no where to make her angrier against Scott.

"Before everything happened with this pack, Blair. I knew about you and Scott... people they talk and there were always rumors about this pack led by a true Alpha and one of the Valkyries. I wanted something like that... his power and the fact you two could lead together. It shocked me just as much when I found out he moved on to Kira within a week of finding out you were dead after hearing all the stories about you two. You two were pretty much set up to be legends for the rest of time." Theo announced as he explained his reasoning to Blair for telling her what was going on between Kira and Scott since he didn't see the point in hiding anything like that from her when he could use it for his benefit. The more distrust she had with Scott and his pack was better for him in the long run.

Blair only nodded her head as she let Theo leave to go meet with Malia and Braeden instead of holding him back. Blair sending Braeden a text after Theo was gone to make sure that she would update her with everything that happened tonight so she would know if Theo lived up to his promise or not.


"Blair?" Hayden opened the door of her house surprised to see Blair on the other side before pulling her hand inside without saying anything else. Blair had a nervous smile on her face knowing damm well that today was the beginning of sealing her fate in Beacon Hills. She was setting herself up to be hated by every single person in town including Theo's pack but she knew she had to take the risks to protect her pack. Scott wouldn't make these type of stupid plans - he would rationalize that they talk about everything first as a pack but Blair didn't really see how that worked for any of them lately.

"What are you doing here? What if Theo catches you? What if Liam came here and saw you?" Hayden started rambling causing Blair's eyes to widen at how much she was ranting to her without catching a breath in a single second to slow down and breathe.

"I'm here cause I need your help and Theo's distracted. So, the only thing you need to do is make sure Liam doesn't come to your house." Blair offered with a small smile as Hayden reluctantly nodded her head in agreement as she led Blair up to her room knowing her sister wasn't going to be finished with her shift for another couple of hours.

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