"Okay, so here's how I thought this would work. You hate me and don't trust me-" Theo started as he tried to get on Blair's side - deciding to take the more honest route with her compared to the others since they were much more naive and gullible than her when it came to the supernatural world. He also knew Blair wouldn't believe any type of lie he tried to feed her when it came to his plans.

"That's an understatement, Raeken. You handcuffed me to a pipe for over twenty-four hours - I hate you." Blair pointed out - emphasizing the twenty-four-hour part considering she found the length of time to be a little bit excessive when he was trying to get on her good side after all.

"As I was saying - I know we're not going to be friends, Blair. I know any promise I'll make to you, you won't believe anyway. But, I want us to be allies. Okay? Just working together for the common goal." Theo explained as he took a sip of his soda, trying to make his offer as casual as possible as he let Blair think about his offer - not wanting to show any sign of alarm or suspicion that would cause her to say no to him.

"So, you're thinking the enemy of my enemy is my friend. That's the kind of ally you're looking for, right?" Blair asked as she tried to figure out what Theo's ulterior motive was in all of this and where she fitted into this big plan of his. She was already suspicious of him and she was already calculating whatever his next move could be before he made it - she needed to think smarter than him if she wanted to beat him in the end.

"Yes, precisely. The McCall pack doesn't trust each other right now and my pack is completely inexperienced when it comes to fighting and let's be honest, everything. That's where you will come into my plan." Theo started to explain to Blair who was starting to get interested in what he was offering as she leaned on the table - able to pick up that he was being honest when he described the difference in the packs and Theo being honest meant something in the slightest considering he is a pathological liar.

"I want you to help me train them. I mean, me and you can't take down this Beast alone." Theo added as he leaned his hands on the table - acting more professional now that he was laying out his offer and plan to Blair who seemed to be more reciprocating of hearing his plan than she was beforehand.

"Why not just ask Scott and us for help in the beginning? Then you could have had actual help when it comes to this thing." Blair asked next since she didn't understand the login in his plan, waiting for what his answer could be that inspired his original plan to make the pack trust him just to ultimately betray all of them in the end.

"Because the Dread Doctors would have killed me." Theo lied, knowing that the only reason he didn't tell them immediately was that he wanted their powers for himself. His drive for power to prove himself to the Dread Doctors that he was good enough as their Chimera driving him to want to betray every friend he had made in Beacon Hills thus far.

"That's not it," Blair answered confidently as she took a sip of her drink while raising an eyebrow at Theo as she waited for the real answer who only laughed at her in response to her not believing him.

"Tell me, Blair, what do you think my real reasons are?" Theo asked curiously as he leaned closer on the table in an attempt to intimidate her but she only moved closer as she locked her jaw before looking at him.

"I know a power-hungry jackass when I see one, you didn't do it because you'll think the Dread Doctors would kill you. No, you did it because it was fun, right? The thrill of knowing you had everyone wrapped around your finger and not one person had realized that you're pulling all of the strings behind all of the bad things because let's be honest those doctors probably didn't care about half of the shit that went down - that was just for your enjoyment." Blair pointed out before leaning back in her seat - noting Theo's almost slightly impressed look with her that she had figured out the dynamic of him and the Dread Doctors so quickly despite only knowing it existed for a couple days.

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