"Probably doesn't, it did demand for three of us to be sacrificed last time to find it. It's a little bit needy and demanding for a damm tree." Blair commented honestly, starting to get frustrated that they still hadn't found this damm tree - it was like they were playing hide and seek with a piece of wood which was a bit ridiculous.

"And maybe it knows we're late for class. Because we've been here twice." Lydia pointed to the tree behind Stiles and Blair that had two crosses already drawn on it by Lydia who insisted on marking anytime they had covered an area so they wouldn't backtrack. The strawberry blonde having more sense to make sure to cover their tracks to avoid going around in circles which they still ended up doing anyway.

"Crap," Stiles muttered out as he realized Lydia was right and that they had already been to this part of the woods before - leading them to another dead-end.

"Can we talk to Parrish now?" Lydia asked them since she didn't see why they couldn't tell Parrish and ask him about it since she thought he deserved to know that he was the one taking the dead bodies in the first place.

"Hang on. If the Nemeton's covered in bodies, shouldn't you be able to find them?" Stiles pointed to Lydia since he thought since she was a Banshee she would be able to detect the dead bodies and therefore, track down the Nemeton for them as a result.

"Me?" Lydia asked confused since she didn't know how she was supposed to find the Nemeton since she had never been there before in her life unlike the two people standing in front of her who both their own experiences with the Nemeton.

"Yes, you. That's what you do. You're the Banshee, you find the bodies." Stiles pointed out since that was basically Lydia's job in the group - her Banshee powers usually helping them with tracking down dead bodies most of the time.

"He does have a point, if you could track down the dead bodies we might be able to find the Nemeton quicker." Blair hesitantly supported Stiles as Lydia's lips thinned into a line in frustration since she didn't know how to use her powers to find this tree.

"Well, the Banshee's having an off day, so how about we talk to Parrish?" Lydia sighed out frustrated as she tried to convince the two of them to just let her talk to Parrish since she firmly believed it would be more helpful than cluelessly strolling through the woods.

"We can't," Stiles argued against Lydia's point without actually giving a reason as to why they couldn't tell Parrish. Stiles still freaking out about anyone possibly finding Donovan's body since he still hadn't come clean about killing him to anyone in the pack besides Theo and Blair yet.

"Why not?" Lydia asked as she threw her hands up slightly as she waited to hear his possible answer, Stiles glancing at Blair out of the corner of his eye as he began to clam up as he tried to think of something to say to throw Lydia's suspicion of him since it was clear to both girls that he was starting to act weird over the whole Nemeton and Parrish.

"Because of one of the bodies... One of them... One of them could be..." Stiles began to drift off as Blair's eyes widened slightly in realization as she pieced together what was bothering Stiles about telling Parrish. Blair momentarily forgetting about the chance of Stiles possibly getting charged with the murder of Donovan if everything started to lead in his direction with evidence.

"Could be what?" Lydia asked as she tried to figure out what Stiles was talking about since she the only one out of the three who didn't know about the Donovan situation. Blair starting to think that maybe Stiles should come clean soon about what happened to save them from all these lies and covers to protect them from telling the truth. Blair thinking that Lydia might actually be the best to tell considering she would probably help Stiles cover up the crime better since she was the smartest person they knew.

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