"You can pretend to stop sleeping now," Melissa told Blair gently who rolled in the hospital bed slightly to look at Melissa. The older woman instantly noticing the tears in her eyes as she sat down next to her in an attempt to comfort her.

"I'm sorry, I usually call Derek or Scott when you're injured. I was at the Sheriff Station, I didn't even know you had other numbers on your file." Melissa explained to her apologetically, Blair taking her by surprise when she wrapped her arms around her shoulders and pulled her into a hug. Melissa not saying when she felt the dampness on her shoulder as she stroked Blair's hair in an attempt to comfort her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Melissa offered as Blair pulled away slightly to give Melissa more room to sit on the hospital bed next to her. Blair silently debating whether she should or not considering this was her ex-boyfriend's mom of all people that she was considering opening up to.

"Blair, anything you tell me is confidential." Melissa reminded Blair as she gave her a look that meant she wasn't going to repeat anything to anyone else who worked in the hospital and more importantly she wouldn't tell Scott.

"I just wonder if I'm suffering all this bad karma because of everything the Valkyrie did. I just want it to stop, I want it all to stop. I don't think I can handle bad things happening anymore" Blair confessed to Melissa as she finally made eye contact with the older woman who noticed the broken look in the girl's eye. Melissa starting to pick up on the fact that all of this supernatural problems were starting to take affect on her son and everyone close to him as well.

"And I can't give optimism and hope as Scott does. I would just be a hypocrite, I am a hypocrite." Blair realized as Melissa opened her mouth to object since she knew that Blair was one of the only ones who looked after Scott the way he looked out for others.

"I used to tell Isaac all this stuff about how it gets easier and that being supernatural will make you stronger. I helped fight supernatural creatures and I still can't look my parents in the eye. After all, the last time I saw them my dad was too busy throwing shards of glass at me because I didn't help my mom fast enough with the garden." Blair confessed dryly as she let out a laugh that she had admitted that out loud to someone as Melissa's mouth dropped open in shock - shifting herself to wrap an arm around Blair's shoulder to pull her closer.

"Is there anything I can do? Call anyone? Call the Sheriff? Scott?" Melissa offered the last one more gently than the rest as Blair closed her eyes in pain at the offer of Scott's name and for him to come to the hospital.

"Can you call Stiles?" Blair asked her after a while, deciding that she would call him for help over the others considering she didn't want to face Scott after having a hallucination about him trying to hurt her in the hallway and also finding out he had feelings for Kira. Melissa nodded her head slowly as she got off the bed and started to leave the hospital room before turning around.

"I'll make sure to get your parents off your emergency contacts too," Melissa reassured Blair before closing the door behind her. Blair sitting on the bed confused as to what she was talking about since her only emergency contacts were Stiles and Derek. She had never had them on there in the first place which was causing her mind to tick with paranoia to who had possibly called them to the hospital against her knowledge.


"You know when I tell you to do something different than me - I usually imply that also means you don't get injured while doing it!" Stiles pointed to Blair who was already past finished getting stitched up by the doctors as she grabbed her jacket out of Stiles's hands before putting it on - ignoring most of his over-dramatics since she was in a hurry to leave.

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