"Me either." Lydia agreed as she let out a stressed out sigh at the dilemma they were currently in before looking around as she tried to figure out where Blair was since she was supposed to already be here. Blair texting Lydia when she arrived at the High School but Lydia was preoccupied talking to Parrish about his part of the plan to immediately meet up with her.

"Where's Blair?" Lydia asked in concern, noticing how tense Scott grew at the question - already knowing that their was a lot of tension growing between the two ex's moreso than when Blair first came back to town.

"She's taking a phone call with Isaac." Scott explained as Lydia nodded her head in understanding, deciding to not clue Scott in the fact she knew Blair and Isaac wouldn't still be on the phone cause of the time difference.

"I'll go check on her." Lydia decided as she patted Scott on the arm, Scott nodding his head slowly in agreement with that plan since it was probably a better idea for one of Blair's best friends to check on her than him.

Lydia left the boy's locker room as she walked quickly to the girl's locker room to search for Blair since she wasn't in the hallway. Lydia furrowing her eyebrows when she couldn't spot Blair immediately.

"Blair?" Lydia called out, moving around more panicked when she didn't get an immediate response. Lydia nearly tripping over something when she was about to leave the locker room, regaining her balance when she noticed Blair lying on the floor.

"Hey, hey. Blair, you need to wake up." Lydia whispered worriedly as she held Blair's face in her hands - leaning on the floor as she began to shake Blair more to try and wake her up.

"Lydia?" Blair asked groggily as she moved to lean against the wall, confused as to where she was as Lydia let out a shaky sigh of relief before wrapping Blair in a quick hug that caught Blair by surprise.

"What happened?" Blair asked worriedly as she stroked Lydia's hair - thinking she had missed something in the time the girls were apart from each other. Lydia pulling away as Blair finally noticed the tears falling down Lydia's face as she helped wipe them away for her.

"You're sick again, aren't you?" Lydia realized as her lips fell into a sad smile causing Blair to shake her head in denial, refusing to accept that Lydia could even possibly be into something.

"No, no. I just haven't been sleeping, Ariel. I must've passed out." Blair tried to reason as she let out a dry laugh, Lydia shaking her head as she tried to think of any other possibility but she knew what all the evidence was pointing to.

"I can't be sick, I haven't been sick since the Valkyrie and since then-" Blair attempted to explain to Lydia but the strawberry blonde had been thinking about this ever since she realised Blair had been getting her nosebleeds again.

"And then Scott bit you and it all came back, didn't it?" Lydia asked sadly, Blair taking in a deep breath as she nodded her head in confirmation. Lydia moving beside Blair as she held her hand tightly in hers.

"You can't tell anyone, promise?" Blair asked - knowing she would figure this out eventually but right now she had to look out for Liam and Hayden. She could figure all of this out in the morning when they finished their plan.

"No, but I'll give you tonight." Lydia sighed out, upset that Blair was falling back into her usual habits of lying about her well-being to everyone. Blair finally deciding to let Lydia guide her back into the locker room where everyone else was as she sent an awkward smile to Scott as she walked past him. Lydia increasing their pace slightly since Stiles had accidentally let it slip to her about Scott's feelings for Kira. Lydia trying to preserve Blair's happy state as long as she could before she had to find out.

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