Not so great meeting

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This chapter is dedicated to madybob123 she will be a new character in the book if you want to be added into it just message me !

Now on with the chapter !!

Mileys POV

I grunt as I get hit in the face with a pillow. Now who is hitting me with a pillow at I glance at the clock and growl 5 in the morning what the hell man.

I roll over and my now prominent baby bump on show.

Who is hitting me I turn and stop with my rant a girl about 5'4 I'm guessing in laying down and brown blondish hair and pretty blue eyes is looking at me she looks to be 15.

Oh I'm sorry I thought you where my sister ! Luna I'm sorry.

I grunt in response and she walks around to my side of the bed.

Who is it Braxton whines and covers his head with his pillow and snuggles closer to me.

I sigh and look at the girl still standing there.

Who are you sweety ?

Oh I'm Angela Wiles I'm a beta ranked wolf with the ability to burn people alive from the inside out ?

I sit up and look at her Really ! That's so cool !!

She busts out laughing No ! I have the ability to take over peoples minds and tell them whatever I want them to do and they listen.

I nod "Well I control the elements and I have the other 2 abilities to control life and death"

She looks at me with wide eyes "Your her the wolf we have been waiting for she bends to one knee and bows her head" Your highness..

Um okay do you need the pack doctor ??

No no its just that my family was born to serve and protect the queen for centuries now every one hundred years a new wolf to take on the responsibility is born you where born to take out the elite wolves.

Okay I'll get to it but its I look at the clock its 5:45 we will talk more about this in the morning good night Angela.

She nods and walks quickly out the door shutting it quietly.

I sigh and lay closer to Braxton his arm wraps around me and pulls me closer then I fall asleep.

Wake up answer the phone mom is calling...

Wake up answer the phone mom is..

I answer my moms call with a grunt

Well hello to you too darling daughter but it seems you have visitors..

Oh okay I'll be down in 20 minutes.

I hang up the phone and collapse back into the bed with a sigh I get up and take a quick shower.

Dressing in a mint green sundress I towel dry my hair and brush my teeth putting on brown sandals I quickly open the door and shut it silently to not awaken Braxton we are working things out its been 2 months and will be three next friday.

I make it downstairs and stop I see these men who where there that day 14 years ago I back up bumping into a table that alerts them to my presence.

No ! No ! No ! Noooo ! I scream and collapse on the floor the last thing I see is a frantic Angela catching me before I fell then it all went dark.


Do you think she will wake up anytime soon ?

I don't know those men scared her enough and the stress from the Elite wolves caused her to have a panic attack and she passed out.

I hear this all around me sounds so many different voices its driving me crazy.

With a jolt my eyes open and everyone's heads turn to me even the men who look guilty.

They bow to one knee and say all at once.

We are sorry for causing you this our queen but your sister is not your sister a demon has taken over her body your real sister is dead we where there to take her out the demon being our target we where just protecting you we have come to take you home.

Home ? This is my home what are you talking about ? Mom Dad what are they talking about home ?

Sweety we are not your real parents but your brothers are your real brothers the Moon Spirit and The dark one is your real parents you are to be taken there your 19 th birthday but things have changed you will be taken there until your heir is born and Braxton must stay here you may visit but your in Much need of training.

No I wont go ! No no I won't let me go!!

Restrain her. I fight back but its not enough I pass out again.

Oh shit what's going to happen and Braxton doesn't know she is leaving find out in the next chapter the part to daunting conclusion draws near will she survive or just be a wolf to go down in flames...

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