"Yeah." Blair nodded her head awkwardly as Theo nodded his head to the spot beside him when he noticed Blair was still looking around her for somewhere to sit - trying to figure out any of her classmates names in order for her to ask to sit beside them.

"Do you need somewhere to sit?" Theo offered in amusement, Blair nodding her awkwardly before slipping into the seat beside Theo - glad that Theo had saved her from the embarrassment of having to ask someone she didn't know.

"So, why are you taking AP Biology?" Blair asked, trying to make conversation that didn't have to do with any supernatural as she tried to fill the awkward tension even though her attempts were probably going to make things more awkward.

"Same reason as most, good on the college transcript," Theo answered as he smiled brightly at Blair who nodded her head in agreement before turning her head to where Lydia was - the redhead watching the two interact as she moved her eyes toward Theo as she encouraged Blair to talk to him more. Blair glaring at Lydia as the two had a silent argument between them which Theo picked up on since the two girls completely lacked any subtlety.

"So, uh. If you don't mind me asking, are you a werewolf too?" Theo interrupted causing Blair to turn her attention to Theo as he moved closer to Blair, their arms barely touching as he quieted his voice while he asked about her being a werewolf.

"Aren't werewolves supposed to be smart enough to realize I don't smell like a dog?" Blair asked back, a smirk hinting on her face as Theo sat back laughing slightly at her joke. The awkwardness starting to slowly break between the two as they smiled at each other.

"Good point." Theo agreed with her, Blair shaking her head slightly before turning her attention to her backpack as she took out her textbooks and notebooks.

"Welcome to AP Biology. Let's see who's awake. Can somebody tell me what plasmids are?" Ms. Finch asked the class as Blair turned to her textbook wide-eyed once she heard Ms. Finch ask a question about plasmids which she definitely didn't even know existed in the first place.

"Forget the summer reading?" Theo chuckled at her reaction to the question, Blair nodding her head in embarrassment since she actually forgets to even check if she had any summer assignments in the first place which was probably stupid considering the High School always gave them work to do over the summer.

"Kinda forgot about school this summer if I'm being honest," Blair admitted to Theo, not going into specifics of what she had done over the summer that distracted her. Blair didn't exactly do any of her summer coursework since she was busy with other interests such as figuring out why her stomach was covered with black veins that were starting to spread over her entire body. Her reaction to the werewolf bite being a topic of interest for multiple emissaries in France - mainly Isaac's who she spent hours upon hours with doing research and experiments with in order to test if she was anything supernatural or even dying. Blair had decided to give up in the end of trying to find an answer as she decided for herself that she wasn't going to die from some mysterious marking. Isaac then deciding she was insane and that they were going to do more research whether she liked it or not since he didn't want to explain her cause of death was her ex-boyfriend biting her.

"Don't worry, I can give you my notes." Theo offered with a small smile on his face, thinking that Blair was beginning to buy into his trap with the way she and Lydia were acting towards him.

"Are you sure? That's a lot of hassle for a stranger." Blair asked, knitting her eyebrows together at his offer since she didn't understand why he was being so nice to her since the two didn't know each other. Plus, it wasn't like Blair was the Alpha or one of the werewolves in the pack that he needed to impress anyway.

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