"Kira, Blair. Get back inside the car, please." Kira was quick to hop inside the car while Blair took her time getting back in the vehicle as she noticed someone about their age standing a couple of cars ahead of them. The boy turning around as he flashed her a wide smile before holding his phone up.

"I'm not getting anything either." He explained as he held his phone up, Blair giving him a small smile in return before sliding into the seat beside Kira.

"We haven't moved in fifteen minutes. We're going to be late." Kira breathed out as she began to become stressed she was going to miss one of the important traditions of her senior year while Blair was beginning to fill with worry overseeing Scott for the first time since the two had broken up. Blair starting to pick on her nails as she started to wish she had taken the earlier flight like Lydia had told her to in order to avoid possibly being late for Senior Scribe. Lydia already knowing how important it was for Blair to be there since Stiles had been freaking out about it to everyone - still thinking there was a possibility she was going to ditch them to live in France with scarfboy.

"What is this thing you two are going to anyway?" Noshiko asked as she turned her head to Kira and Blair as she wondered what the two girls were so worked up over missing. Kira not telling her mom and dad any details of the tradition prior to considering her dad was one of the teachers and could possibly rat out the students if he found out about their Senior Scribe.

"It's called Senior Scribe and I'm not supposed to tell you about it," Kira answered nervously as Noshiko turned to her husband - thinking he knew something since he worked at the high school after all.

"Don't look at me. I don't know anything either. Sounds like they're supposed to write something or..." Ken drifted off as his wife glared at him for pointing out the obvious. Blair sinking back in her seat since she didn't want to get in the middle of a family argument - starting to think that maybe she should have just payed the money for the uber ride after all.

"It sounds like vandalism." Noshiko corrected since it didn't exactly sound like the high schoolers were going to be up to much good tonight during their friends.

"It's not vandalism. At least, I don't think it is." Kira finished as she tried to defend what she and her friends were going to do as they sat in the back of the car. Kira turning to Blair who raised her eyebrows at Kira's explanation considering it didn't seem to exactly convince her parents that what they were doing was actually legal.

Blair pulling out her phone as she tried to get signal again as she tried to get through to either Lydia or Stiles to come and pick them up.


"Still can't reach Blair," Scott explained to Stiles nervously as he stepped out of the elevator, beginning to worry that she wasn't going to show up tonight considering he had been privy to the two hour rant Stiles had given him and Malia about how they can't lose Blair since she was apart of their original pack and they needed to stick together for their last year of High School.

"Okay, you reminded her about tonight though, right?" Stiles asked since he knew Scott and Blair were trying harder to become friends as they started to talk more on the phone the past month to ease the awkwardness before Blair came back to town. Stiles deciding to ask Scott about reminding Blair of the tradition to find out if they had talked recently regardless of the fact he knew that Blair was already aware of the events of tonight after the seven hundred texts Stiles had sent her.

Stiles still thought it was a stupid idea that Blair and Scott were even trying to be friends considering how obvious it was that they still had feelings for each other. In fact, he still believed it was completely stupid that Scott had broken up with Blair in the first place and he didn't know how many other ways he was going to have to communicate that to his best friend before Scott realized he had messed up.

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