[book 1] chapter twenty-five: field trip to penbrooke

Start from the beginning

    "How much longer?" the impatient boy beside me groaned. "My stomach will start eating itself if we don't get food."

    I smacked his arm without sparing him a glance. "Be patient, we're almost there."

    When I pulled into the familiar parking lot James let out a sigh. "What are we doing here?"

    "I," I pulled into an empty spot, "am going to show you why you should apply." As we got out of the car, Niko stood in the parking lot, clad from head to toe in Penbrooke merchandise.

    "Welcome to Penbrooke University, kids!" he beamed in an exuberantly cheery tour guide voice. "My name's Nikolas Germaine Parker and I will be your tour guide on this lovely afternoon."

    I rolled my eyes at his antics. "I said convince James to apply here, not convince him to drop out of school."

    Niko shoved me and grinned at James. "Ready for your tour?"

    James forced a smile, clearly not wanting to offend Niko. He already pissed off one Parker brother in the past and I doubted he wanted to do it again. "Sure, why not?"

    "Great!" Niko took two Penbrooke baseball caps out of his pocket, plopping the blue one on James' head and the grey on mine.

    I frowned at Niko. "I want the blue."

    "This tour's not for you, shut up."

    I gawked at my brother while James stuck his tongue out at me. "Yeah, shut up," he teased, making me flip him off.

    This didn't go unnoticed by Niko who smacked the bill of my hat. "No bitchy Dani today." He stood between us to ensure we didn't fight again as he began the grand tour.


    What was supposed to be a one or two-hour trip turned into a whole five hours. James acted nonchalant and aloof the entire tour, but his whole distant demeanour deteriorated when Niko showed us the six-storey library at this campus. Seeing the massive building made James a goner and he disappeared to check out the infinite book selection. Meanwhile, I found one of three cafés in the library and was currently on my second strawberry smoothie when Niko found me.

     "What are you doing by yourself?" he asked as he plopped down on a chair beside me.

    I narrowed my eyes as he grabbed my beverage and took a big gulp. "Please, do help yourself." He raised his eyebrows expectantly, waiting for my answer. "I have no interest in books."

    "Well, your boyfriend's like a kid in a candy shop." He paused. "I really like James."

    I smiled. "I'm glad."

    "He's a bright guy who has a lot to offer. He'd fit in perfectly here, tell him to apply."

    I snatched my drink back from him. "Careful, Niko, it almost sounds like you have a crush on him."

    "Convince him to come here and we'll see," he joked with a wink before taking back my smoothie. Before I could protest he chugged the rest of its contents, leaving me with an empty cup.

    "I hate you."

    He feigned a gasp. "Is that any way to talk to your favourite brother?"

    I shook my head. "I'd never talk to Alex like that." Niko rolled his eyes but laughed, and I joined in too. When I tell you I would swap Brenton any day if that meant Niko was still living at home with us. Not much longer after we were sitting around did James return. He tried to maintain his composure but it was impossible for him to hide the massive grin on his face. "Had fun?" I asked though we all knew the answer to that.

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