Chapter 10- Mornings and No Man's Land...

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‘’Say what? That you rocked my best friend’s world….all night long…’’ he sang the last part as I put my head against Deca’s chest childishly, ‘’Deca make the mean man stop, ‘’ I pouted pointing at him as she comforted me.

Deca reprimanded Lou jokingly, ‘Do not mock her…okay…you’re just jealous…you ain’t get none…’’she said that part in a fake ghetto accent. Niall laughed out loud followed by Liam.

Lou stuck his tongue out at Deca to which she did the same.

‘’Like you should talk, you screaming banshee,’’ oh the sass master has awakened, take cover. He snapped his fingers in a ‘Z’.

Liam was biting his lip, his shoulders were shaking as he tried to contain his laughter, and Niall couldn’t hold it though.

Deca gasped out loud, ‘’Oh no you didn’t carrot lover,’’ she snapped back.

‘’Oh yes I did,’’ he roared.

‘’Oh dear,’’ I mumbled silently.

‘’ Well…you’re hair looks funny…’’ was her comeback. Did she just quote Captain Jack Sparrow?

Lou laughed, ‘that was horrible,’’ Deca bit her lip, ‘I know…’’ she chuckled as well.

We were then interrupted by another voice, ‘’what is going in here,’’ echoed the deep voice of my smexy boyfriend…who was naked.

Deca looked up and shrieked, ‘’my eyes….I’m blind, lord have mercy…’’ she covered her eyes.

Harry laughed at her expression.

‘Harry for the love of god, go wear some pants,’’ Liam scolded.

‘’Fine…I just... have to kiss my girlfriend good morning,’’ he replied cheekily walking up to me.

I sighed as he hugged me from behind, ‘’Morning Hazza,’’ I replied as he kissed my cheek.

‘’Mornin Luv ….are you okay…?’’ he asked worriedly.

Awe he’s worried, he must've thought he hurt me last night.

I decided to humor him, ‘’I’m a little sore….but very much rocked,’’ I winked at him turning around in his embrace.

He laughed silently hugging me close.

‘’I hate to interrupt ….but for the love of all that is holy…can you go put some clothes on, ‘’ Deca deadpanned.

Harry raised his hands jokingly as he shuffled out the room before he could go though, I smacked his bum.

He yelped, ‘’Ow…mind the merchandise babe,’’ he grinned at me.

‘’What are you talking about Haz…I’m just touching what’s mine…’’ I grinned back at him.

I gave him a teasing look and my eyes trailed down him, observing his tattoos.

Hello, little Haz came out to play.

I bit my lip as my eyes rose to his again, ‘’Haz, I ….think…you need to um…take care…of a little problem.’’

He gave me a confused before his hands flew to his bits, backing away slowly.

When he was completely out of sight, then we all laughed out loud.

‘’Deca…I think your eyes are safe now,’’ I told her as she uncovered her eyes.

She breathed a sigh of relief, ‘’He needs to learn to wear pants,’’ she folded her arms.

The Significance of Potatoes and Carrots {COMPLETED}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum