"But they do help when you need a favor. Like, how a month ago, Canaan P.D, helped you get home after blowing 0.1 on a breathalyzer." Parrish revealed, Blair and Stiles, letting out quiet laughs as they began to smirk at the man in front of them. Neither of them expecting Parrish to use a bit of blackmail to get them into to see Meredith.

"All right. I'm not against a little quid pro quo. Not at all. Not at all." He finished with a smirk before giving the keys to Blair, Blair holding the keys in her hand as the three turned to Parrish with proud smiles on their faces - definitely impressed that he had managed to get them the keys.

"You. You, I like you. I'm gonna keep you." Stiles commented as he clapped Parrish's shoulder gratefully, Blair passing Parrish the keys as Stiles talked so that he could open the door to Meredith's room since he was the adult after all.

"Buzzcut, stop scaring strangers. We need him, stop trying to make friends." Blair whispered to Stiles as she dragged him by the elbow into Meredith's room rather than letting him annoying Parrish since she didn't want to scare him off.

Parrish opening the door as the three stopped to see Meredith sitting on her bed as she stared up at the three. Blair guiding Lydia forward since she was the one here who was going to be doing the main talking out of the three.


"Meredith, what do you mean you can't tell us?" Lydia asked as she sat in the middle of Stiles and Blair - both of them wanting to make sure that Lydia wouldn't freak out on Meredith again like last time since they needed Meredith to stay calm down in order to get the information they needed from her.

"We just need the third key. You can give it to us in numbers, letters, hieroglyphs. Whatever you want." Stiles explained to her, trying to get Meredith to communicate the key in any way possible since they knew Meredith gave them messages in different ways - the last time she gave Lydia was the cipher key was through a phone number which Blair didn't even want to try and comprehend.

"Yeah, or even a different language." Blair pointed out to her, Stiles pointing his hand to Blair in agreement - the two of them trying to get Meredith to give them the last cipher key that they needed desperately. Blair trying to convince Meredith that it would be okay if she gave it to them in any way possible - wanting to be as gentle as possible when she talked to her.

"I can't." Meredith refused to help immediately, Stiles scratching his head at the answer while Lydia scoffed in disbelief. Blair wishing that maybe one of the two could be a little bit softer in their approach to Meredith since they were only growing more aggravated with her which was certainly not going to get her to trust any of them anytime soon.

"Then why did you give us the second key?" Lydia asked frustrated, not understanding why Meredith was refusing to help them this time since she was more than willing to help them last time.

"I wanted to help. That's what I want to do. I want to help." Meredith explained to them frantically why she had helped last time. Blair gave her a gentle smile at her answer, thinking that they were actually getting somewhere with the Banshee to helping them again since it was clear that all Meredith wanted to do was help them in some way.

"Great. So help us now. Okay? Give us the third cipher key." Lydia demanded at the end, her voice starting to change from the cautious tone she was first using with Meredith. Blair placed her arm gently on Lydia's shoulder in warning, trying to get Lydia's attention while the strawberry blonde who was too focused on the banshee in front of her to be distracted by Blair.

"Things have changed. I... I can't." Meredith starting stuttering out the end, Blair's eyes softening when she heard her voice cracking knowing that her friend's interrogation was starting to get to her. Blair didn't want to cause her any upheaval since all they were trying to do was help people - she didn't want to harm Meredith as a result of that.

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