"Well, next time. Try and sit with someone you know, alright?" Rafael asked in concern since he knew how much the girl lying on the hospital bed meant to his son. Blair nodded her head in agreement, not wanting to seem ungrateful for his concern as Rafael nodded his head goodbye to Melissa and Blair as he exited the room.

"Please tell me I can go home, now. If I have to stare at these walls any longer, I might go crazy." Blair begged Melissa to let her out since she absolutely hated hospitals considering everything that went wrong for her usually happened in the hospital. Blair hadn't even been in the hospital that long and she already felt if she stayed there any longer she was going to go stir crazy.

"You have to take it easy from now on, okay?" Melissa reminded Blair as she helped her stand up. Blair letting out a hiss of pain before sitting back down on the hospital bed as she struggled to stand up by herself considering the pain started soaring through her leg. Blair closing her eyes as she gripped onto the side of the bed - her first time feeling pain in months without having the safety of healing soon after.

"Here, Derek and Scott have been waiting outside for you. I'll tell them that you're all finished and they can help you out." Melissa told her gently as she rubbed Blair's shoulder in a weak attempt to cheer her up. Derek was the first to come in when he noticed her stitches where the knife had previously been - glad that Blair had actually stayed still long enough to get them in. Blair looking up with a glare on her face, angry that she was going to be held back from fighting by her leg now.

"You know, I didn't think I'd be ever picking you up from a hospital ever again from a high school fight. Catfights again?" Derek asked jokingly as he wrapped Blair's arm around his shoulder as he helped her stand up from the bed causing Blair to let out another hiss of pain at the sudden force of moving. Derek seemed to love to tease Blair about the fact that she used to get into fighting squabbles a couple times a month in her old school before moving to Beacon Hills that always ended terribly since she was never properly trained beforehand.

"Does it still hurt?" Scott asked gently as he heard Blair's winces of pain as she moved, Blair shaking her head no despite the fact she was completely depending on Derek to help her walk. Derek already knowing better than to ask Blair if she was okay since the girl had the tendency to lie to him when it came to the state of her health.

"No, I'm totally fine. I can hardly even feel it anymore." Blair lied to them, both of the werewolves knowing that she was lying to them even without having to listen to her heartbeat since they could see the signs of pain on her face as she was talking. Blair rolling her eyes once Scott insisted on taking her other side as they helped her out of the hospital. Blair not wanting either of them to see her as weak since she didn't like it when she had to depend on someone else to help her. Her stubbornness starting to show as she gritted her teeth in aggravation as the two's eagerness to help her and not let her walk on her own.

"At this point, you should just put me in a nursing home if I can't walk without you," Blair muttered upset as Derek stopped and stared down at her - trying to stop the smirk that was slowly spreading on his face. Scott stopping abruptly as he turned to Blair since he thought something had happened to her injury in order for Derek to stop, only to see the two siblings glaring at each other.

"Really? Because I could always ask Peter for nurse advice." Derek asked causing Blair to use her hand closest to Derek to wack him in the back of the head since they both knew that Peter had killed the nurse that had taken care of him for years. Scott cracking a grin at Derek's joke as he couldn't help but smile at how the Hale's joked with each other - it was definitely different than watching Blair or Derek argue with Peter constantly.


Derek let Scott bring Blair to her room since he knew Scott wanted to talk to Blair before he had to go home. Scott ended up carrying Blair bridal style up the stairs as he sat her down gently on her bed - not wanting her to put any extra strain on her leg that could cause her any additional damage.

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