"Okay! Okay!" Liam breathed out as he finally calmed down, Stiles turning off the shower while Liam sunk down against the wall as he tried to return his breathing back to normal. Blair sighing in relief that he had finally finished fighting against them since she didn't have the energy to keep holding him against the wall.

"That car you smashed. I thought you said that was your teacher's." Scott reminded Liam of what Liam had told them, Brett's words echoing in his head since he had mentioned that Liam had smashed their coach's car and not just his teacher like Liam had previously said when he explained the incident to them.

"He was also my coach. He benched me the entire season." Liam revealed to the three, Blair's eyebrows furrowing in confusion at the news since she had watched Isaac, Stiles, and Scott make repeatedly questionable choices on the field without that severe of a punishment. Blair had watched Isaac take out half the team during the game without Coach ever punishing him for it afterwards.

"How the hell do you get benched the entire season?" Blair asked as she stared at Liam questionably as she moved to stand beside Scott as she crossed her hands against her chest. Blair had watched her best friend literally take down half of their lacrosse team without any consequences yet Liam had managed to get benched which meant he had to do something bad in order to get that severe of a punishment.

"I got a couple of red cards," Liam revealed to the group as he held his head down in shame as he started to reveal the reason of why he was forced to sit out during his last lacrosse season at Devenford Prep - not wanting to look them in the eye since he wasn't sure of how they would treat him once they found out what he had done.

"Just a couple?" Stiles asked, Blair sensing that he was making Liam even more uncomfortable with his choice of tone as she held her finger up as she pointed at Stiles giving him a warning look as he held his hands up in defense. Blair and Scott beginning to kneel down in front of Liam as they decided to be gentler in their approach to talking to him.

"You gotta be honest with us. What else happened?" Scott asked, sensing that his beta was lying to him about the other issues in his past as he listened to his heartbeat skip a beat when he was talking about the red cards.

"Nothing. I got kicked out of school. They sent me to a psychologist for evaluation." Liam revealed to Scott, Blair waiting for Liam to finish revealing his entire background to them since he wasn't being entirely honest with them in the first place. Blair wondering what had happened after they sent him to a psychologist.

"What did they call it?" Scott asked him, Liam finally meeting both Scott and Blair face's as he took a deep breath before talking. Only Blair and Scott being the only ones out of the pack who were trying to understand and help Liam, unlike Stiles who usually made him freak out more with his comments.

"Intermittent Explosive Disorder," Liam finally revealed to the group, Blair breathing in due to the shock as she realized how truly hard this shift was going to be for Liam since he already had an anger problem in the first place.

"I.E.D.? You're literally an I.E.D.? That's great. That's great. You gave superpowers to a walking time bomb." Stiles gave Scott a sarcastic thumb once he finished talking. Blair snapping her head to Stiles as she glared daggers at him - feeling protective of Liam since it was clear this was a big step for him to open up to them like this. He certainly didn't need to feel shamed by Stiles for it.

"One more word from you and I'm going to shove your head down a toilet so long that you'll drown in pee, shut up." Blair threatened Stiles before turning back to Liam and Scott - Stiles crinkling his nose in disgust at Blair's threat as he decided to be quiet for the time being, not wanting to know what toilet water tasted if he kept on talking.

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